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Backbone.js best practice for event handlers naming


Let's say I have a function in a view that triggers when some kind of state is changed. What would be best to name it and why?

  • stateChange
  • stateChanged
  • onStateChange
  • onStateChanged
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Nick Dima Avatar asked Aug 16 '12 15:08

Nick Dima

1 Answers

I'm personally perefer to use onEventName names keeping native naming convention for DOM event handlers.

Like myElement.onclick = function() { /* ... */ } for click event.

So for myEvent I'm using handler named onMyEvent.

And if I have event stateChange, then I'll use onStateChange handler.

But really this question is more specific for each team of developers and code-style conventions inside the team/company.

So the main goal in such kind of questions is to keep the code style same in all parts to ensure readability.

Therefore if you're working in a team, just keep sticky to team's code writing conventions and if you're working alone on existing code, try to keep its code-style (sure if that style is not obviously ugly).

UPDATE: Understanding.

What is the event? Roughly it's an action initiated outside or inside the program, in other words something happens in system, e.g. some state changes (the state of keyboard, of mouse, of I/O devices, etc.) doesn't matter how (the user clicked on mouse or some program sent the mouse click signal to system).

Say the browser window is subscribed to get a notifications about some events and the operating system sending them to it as soon as possible, we'll assume that at same time when something happens. So if user clicks his mouse when the browser window is active and the document has a focus, browser says to document to fire the click event. And here our onclick handler starting its invocation. In other words the system says us that now happens a change of some state. And we're handling this change and not are handling a fact saying us that state has been changed.

Let's assume that our handler named as onClicked. Since the handler's name saying in past tense we can get a reasonable question: "When clicked, how long ago it happened? How many times it was clicked? Hmm, maybe it's too late to handle this action (or actions?) at all...". So this name tells us that something happened sometime in past.

In contrast when our handler named as onClick it's obviously that click event just fired and fired once and we was notified about it immediately. And we're going to handle the click event - the information saying us that the state of mouse changed right now (not mouse clicked, but the event of click).

So the names in past tense are more appropriate for the cases when we need to check if some state has been changed or not. E.g. if the variable stores the state = 1 we can call the function isStateChanged(); which will compare the value in state variable with the real value at the current moment. And here the past tense is good choice for naming.

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Eugene Naydenov Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

Eugene Naydenov