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Backbone: Why are events syntax quite different between model and view?

define events in Backbone.Model

var Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
  initialize: function(){
    this.on('change', function(){
        console.log('- Values for this model have changed.');

define events in Backbone.View

var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
  className: "document-row",
  events: {
    "click .icon":          "open",
    "click .button.delete": "destroy"

My Question

define events syntax are quite different between model/collection and view, why are they designed in that way?

I think it's better to define model event like this. But backbone don't support it.

var Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
  events: {
    "change": "foo"

  foo: function(){
like image 477
Ryan Lyu Avatar asked Jul 15 '15 02:07

Ryan Lyu

1 Answers

There are two separate type of events: Backbone.Events and jQuery DOM events - so making these look the same seems like a bad idea as it would make code confusing not to mention it wouldn't actually work because the View UI events need different info: '<eventName> <optional DOM selector>: <methodName>' whereas normal internal events have a different syntax.

Backbone.Events follows the typical "publish/subscribe" pattern - it's just a way for apps to internally say "Something has happened" via .trigger and "I want to know when something happens" via .on or .once and the equivalent which you would use in a View because it handles cleaning up the listen when the view is removed: .listenTo and .listenToOnce.

So in your example the "change" event in the model is an internal event which Backbone fires when an attribute changes. The "change" in the View is jQuery DOM event (actually a delegate event) and you could optionally listen to something deeper in the view "change .myinput" so they are not equivalent.

The other difference is that .trigger can pass any arguments it likes after the first one (the event name), whereas the View event passes the DOM event object which you don't control e.g. onChange: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }.

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Dominic Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09
