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Backbone passing a model to Router



I'm developing an application for android using require js and Backbone. I have to pass a model taken from a collection via touchend event to the router. How can I do it?

define(["jquery", "underscore","backbone","handlebars", "views/CinemaView", "models/CineDati",  "text!templates/listacinema.html"],

function($,_,Backbone,Handlebars,CinemaView, CineDati, template){   
  var ListaCinemaView = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: Handlebars.compile(template),
    events: {
        "touchend" : "Details"
    initialize : function (){
        var self = this;
            url: 'http://www.cineworld.com/api/quickbook/cinemas',
            type: 'GET',
            data: {key: 'BwKR7b2D'},
            dataType: 'jsonp', // Setting this data type will add the callback parameter for you
            success: function (response, status) {
                // Check for errors from the server
                if (response.errors) {
                    $.each(response.errors, function() {
                        alert('An error occurred. Please Try Again');
                } else {

                    $.each(response.cinemas, function() {
                        var cinema = new CineDati();
                        cinema.set({ id : this.id, name : this.name , cinema_url : this.cinema_url, address: this.address, postcode : this.postcode , telephone : this.telephone });



    events : {
        "#touchend" : Dettagli

    render : function(){

            _.each(this.model.models, function (cinema) {
              $("#lista").append(new CinemaView({
                          model: cinema
               }).render().el); }, this));

          return this;

     Dettagli : function(){ 

        Backbone.history.navigate( this.model , {trigger: "true"});

    return ListaCinemaView;

like image 559
Augusto Numbers Avatar asked Aug 25 '13 14:08

Augusto Numbers

People also ask

What is backbone router?

A backbone router is a router designed to be used to construct backbone networks using leased lines. Backbone routers typically do not have any built-in digital dial-up wide-area network interfaces.

Is Backbone JS still used?

Backbone. Backbone has been around for a long time, but it's still under steady and regular development. It's a good choice if you want a flexible JavaScript framework with a simple model for representing data and getting it into views.

Is backbone a MVC?

Backbone. js is a model view controller (MVC) Web application framework that provides structure to JavaScript-heavy applications. This is done by supplying models with custom events and key-value binding, views using declarative event handling and collections with a rich application programming interface (API).

Is Backbone JS frontend or backend?

Backend Synchronization BackboneJS is use with the front-end and back-end systems, allows the synchronization with the backend to provide support to RESTful APIs.

2 Answers

You need to override the Backbone's navigate function as following:

var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routeParams: {},
    routes: {
        "home": "onHomeRoute"
     *Override navigate function
     *@param {String} route The route hash
     *@param {PlainObject} options The Options for navigate functions.
     *              You can send a extra property "params" to pass your parameter as following:
     *              {
     *               params: 'data'
     *              }
    navigate: function(route, options) {
        var routeOption = {
                trigger: true
            params = (options && options.params) ? options.params : null;
        $.extend(routeOption, options);
        delete routeOption.params;

        //set the params for the route
        this.param(route, params);
        Backbone.Router.prototype.navigate(route, routeOption);

     *Get or set parameters for a route fragment
     *@param {String} fragment Exact route hash. for example:
     *                   If you have route for 'profile/:id', then to get set param
     *                   you need to send the fragment 'profile/1' or 'profile/2'
     *@param {Any Type} params The parameter you to set for the route
     *@return param value for that parameter.
    param: function(fragment, params) {
        var matchedRoute;
        _.any(Backbone.history.handlers, function(handler) {
            if (handler.route.test(fragment)) {
                matchedRoute = handler.route;
        if (params !== undefined) {
            this.routeParams[fragment] = params;

        return this.routeParams[fragment];

     * Called when hash changes to home route
    onHomeRoute: function() {
        console.log("param =", this.param("home"));


Here I have written a custom function "param" for doing the get/set of parameters you want to send.

Now to send a custom parameter you can send it like the following:

var router = new Router();
router.navigate("home", {
    params: 'Your data'

To retrieve the data in get data inside the callback function you can write code like this:

this.param("home"); //this will return the parameter you set while calling navigate function or else will return null
like image 104
Raju Bera Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Raju Bera

Router.navigate() doesn't pass any data. It sets the url fragment and takes a couple options. See the docs here: http://backbonejs.org/#Router-navigate

My suggestion:

  • Use Router.navigate() to change the URL.
  • Use the Backbone.Events aggregator to trigger (or publish) your event and data.

So say you have a list of movies, and you have a view button. The view button publishes the model it wants shown and changes the URL fragment.

var vent = _.extend( {}, Backbone.Events ); // Create your app specific event aggregator

var ListaCinemaView = Backbone.View.extend({


    Dettagli : function(){
        vent.trigger('movie:show:request', this.model);

        Backbone.history.navigate( this.model.get('id') );

Somewhere else in your app add a handler for movie:view:request.

vent.on('movie:show:request', showMovieDetails);

var showMovieDetails = function(model) { ... }

Lastly, check out MarrionetteJS. It uses the publish/subscribe pattern to handle communication between parts of an app. It's a really nice framework since you basically opt-in to the parts that you want to use. It's very well documented and supported. Also, its creator, Derick Bailey, is very active on Stackoverflow, so you'll get help quick.

like image 20
Will M Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09

Will M