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babel-polyfill vs babel-plugins

I am a bit lost in the Babel options / config. I want to use recent js features and compile (with webpack) to browser code.

What is the difference between babel-polyfill and babel plugins with babel-preset-env?

Are they intended to work together?

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François Romain Avatar asked Nov 13 '17 00:11

François Romain

People also ask

What is babel polyfill?

Babel includes a polyfill that includes a custom regenerator runtime and core-js. This will emulate a full ES2015+ environment (no < Stage 4 proposals) and is intended to be used in an application rather than a library/tool. (this polyfill is automatically loaded when using babel-node ).

Why do we need babel polyfill?

Babel Polyfill adds support to the web browsers for features, which are not available. Babel compiles the code from recent ecma version to the one, which we want. It changes the syntax as per the preset, but cannot do anything for the objects or methods used.

What is babel plugin?

Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments.

Is babel deprecated?

Well, as of Babel 7.4. 0, this powerful package had been deprecated. Composed of two dependent packages, core-js and regenerator-runtime , Babel now recommends installing them as dependencies and importing them at the top level of your application (think of index.

2 Answers

Answer from this article:

The distinction between a babel transform plugin versus babel-polyfill / babel-runtime is whether or not you can reimplement the feature today, in ES5. For example, Array.from can be rewritten in ES5 but there is nothing I can write in ES5 to add arrow function syntax to JavaScript. Therefore, there is a transform for arrow functions but none for Array.from. It will have to be provided by a separate polyfill like babel-polyfill, or babel-runtime.

As a side note, here is my current understanding of the babel eco-system.

Babel is a javascript compiler: it parses, transforms and outputs transformed code.


  • This is the parse and output parts.
  • It does not do any transformation.
  • It can be used from the command line or from a bundler (webpack, rollup and co.)

babel-polyfill / babel-runtime

  • Acts on the transform part by prepending es5 javascript to your code to emulate es2015+ functions (like Object.assign).
  • Relies on Regenerator (to polyfill generators) and core-js (to polyfill all the rest).
  • Difference between babel-polyfill and babel-runtime: the former defines global methods (and pollutes the global scope) whereas the latter transforms your code to make the same functionnality available as explained in this answer.

babel plugins

  • Transform the code you wrote.
  • babel syntax / transform plugins: parse and transform es2015+ syntax (like arrow functions) to convert it to es5.
  • babel-plugins-stage-x (from stage-0 to stage-4): transform future javascript syntax which is not in the JS specs yet, starting at stage-0 (just an idea) down to stage-4 (will land in the babel-plugins soon).


  • babel-preset-env determines the Babel plugins and polyfills needed for a specific environment.
  • With no configuration, it will load all the plugins (including es2015, es2016 and es2017) required to transpile es2015+ to es5.
  • With a target option, it loads only the plugins required to run on a specific target.
  • With the builtIn option, it uses only the babel-polyfill which are not built-in the target.
  • Does not work with babel-transform-runtime yet (as of nov. 2017). (see this issue)
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François Romain Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

François Romain

babel-preset-env is a Babel preset meant to automatically set up babel plugins and include the necessary babel polyfills based on a set of target environments checked against a feature compatibility table.

In order to make a fully working ES2015+ environment run on a non-ES2015+ client, simple code transpilation is sometimes not enough:

  • ES generators are enabled using regenerator library (provided by babel-polyfill)
  • Missing ES2015+ methods (like Promise, Map, Object.assign...) are polyfilled with core-js (provided by babel-polyfill, too)
  • Any other transpilable feature is generated by standard babel plugins, often used trough pre-configured babel-presets

So, back to your question, it's babel-preset-env that makes use of babel-polyfill and babel plugins.

like image 28
Andrea Carraro Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Andrea Carraro