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AzureAD Graph API - getting removed users using delta links on groups

I am not able to get removed users using a delta link retrieved from a previous call of https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/delta


  1. I retrieve the groups using the query


which returns the results correctly

Then I keep the delta link (example of delta link from JSON response: "@odata.deltaLink": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/delta?$deltatoken=7VBZ66f3HT ... )

  1. I remove manually a user which belongs to a group to be sure the delta link works and returns the removed user id.

-> nothing at all is returned.

According to their documentation, it should work:


Moreover, when i do the same thing with delta user query, it works fine, the removed user is returned with user delta link.


Does anyone is experiencing this issue and did you find any solution?

like image 920
Illyr Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 13:11


1 Answers

I didn't reproduce your issue on my side. I am using Microsoft graph explore to test the api.

When I accessed the final nextLink response, I got the deltaLink.

Then I removed two users from a group on Azure portal.

enter image description here

I can get the expected result when I access the deltaLink.

enter image description here


I just noticed that you deleted the user directly. That's why you can only get removed user on user delta. If you remove the user from the group directly, you will get the removed user.

like image 96
Tony Ju Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 16:11

Tony Ju