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azure notification hub tag limits

reading the pricing details


there seems to be a limit of number of tags used in a push.

Broadcast (tag size)    Limited to 10K  Limited to 10K  Unlimited
# of tags (broadcast groups)    Limited to 3K   Limited to 3K 3 Unlimited

Q1. so does that mean max tags per push is 10K? assuming that there is only 1 tag per device.

Q2. is the number of tags stored unlimited?

essential i need to map a tag to device id. And then send a bunch of tags in a send. sounds straight forward, but i cant determine of there is a limit.

any help appreciated.



like image 672
lpic Avatar asked Nov 24 '14 05:11


People also ask

Is Azure notification hub free?

Notification Hubs is offered in three tiers—free, basic and standard. Base charge and quotas are applied at the namespace level. Pushes exceeding included amounts are aggregated at the subscription level for each tier.

How does Azure notification hub work?

Azure Notification Hubs is a massively scalable mobile push notification engine for quickly sending millions of notifications to iOS, Android, Windows, or Kindle devices, working with APNs (Apple Push Notification service), GCM (Google Cloud Messaging), WNS (Windows Push Notification Service), and more.

What is TAG notification?

Tag notifications are notification messages that are targeted to all the devices that are subscribed to a particular tag. Tags represent topics of interest to the user and provide the ability to receive notifications according to the chosen interest.

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What is the Notification Hubs SLA? For Basic and Standard Notification Hubs tiers, properly configured applications can send push notifications or perform registration management operations at least 99.9 percent of the time.

1 Answers

Broadcast (tag size) - Limited to 10K means that number of devices with same tag is limited by 10K. Example:

  • You have application which sends advertising according food preferences,
  • At some point you decide to send a message to all pizza-lovers and you are going to use tag 'pizza' to do it,
  • If your hub has more than 10K registrations with tag 'pizza', then send call will be failed by the Notification Hub

number of tags (broadcast groups) Limited to 3K means that you could not have more than 3K different foods for the example above ('pizza', 'pasta', 'sushi'...)

!!!Important notice!!! Tags with five or fewer devices do not accrue to the tag limit. It means that you potentially can build an application where each device has unique tag (user id or email or something similar) and that tag may be used to send a message to particular device. It is what is sometimes called 'Inbox scenario'. And Notification Hub is not going to enforce 3K limit for that case.

Update: Notification Hub is not going to enforce any limitations described above. Official documentation was updated as well. So as of now only restriction is 60 tags per single registration/installation.

However, number of devices registered should not exceed 500 for Free tier namespace, 200K for Basic, and 10M for Standard. Contact customer support to accommodate more than 10M devices.

like image 74
efimovandr Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11
