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Azure move app service to a different app service plan

I have the following setup:

  • Resource group 1
    • App service plan 1
    • App Service 1 (app service plan 1)
  • Resource group 2
    • App service plan 2
    • App Service 2 (app service plan 2)
    • App Service 3 (app service plan 1)

I would like to move App Service 3 which is into Resource group 2 but uses app service plan 1, to app service plan 2.

Is this possible? I have tried to use the feature "Change App service plan" available on the new portal but when I click on it a blade appear saying that "No App Service plan found".

I suspect that the blade looks for app service plan available on the original resource group and does not permit neither to create a new one.

Please see the attached picture for details.


enter image description here

like image 934
Lorenzo Avatar asked Jan 13 '17 13:01


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Find original resource groupThen, select Configuration and Management. Select Migration Options. Select the option for recommended steps to move the web app. You see the recommended actions to take before moving the resources.

How do I change the app service plan in a different resource group?

You can move an app to a different app service plan in the Azure Portal. Apps can be moved between plans in the same geographical region. To move an app to another plan, navigate to the app you want to move, then click Change App Service Plan. This will open the App Service Plan blade.

What is difference between APP service and app service plan?

An App Service Environment is a single-tenant deployment of Azure App Service that runs on your virtual network. Applications are hosted in App Service plans, which are created in an App Service Environment. An App Service plan is essentially a provisioning profile for an application host.

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App Service resources are region-specific and can't be moved across regions. You must create a copy of your existing App Service resources in the target region, then move your content over to the new app.

1 Answers

I would like to move App Service 3 which is into Resource group 2 but uses app service plan 1, to app service plan 2. Is this possible?

Based on my understanding App Service Plan 1 in the resource group 1 and Service Plan 2 in the resource group 2, we can't do that from azure portal currently. According to the official document, we could change service that in the same resource group and geographical location.

Only valid plans (in the same resource group and geographical location) are shown

About we could not create App service plan in the change service plan interface, and I also repro it. In my option,it is not a development issue, and we could report a ticket in the azure portal.

enter image description here

But we also could create a new App service plan in the same resource group (Resource Group 1) and geographical, then try to change the service plan, it will be shown in the change Service Plan interface.

In my option, it is not recommended that WebApp application and Service Plan are not in the same resource group.

like image 92
Tom Sun - MSFT Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Tom Sun - MSFT