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Azure Machine Learning Results Interpretation

I try to do an experiment in Azure Machine Learning whith a "Decision Forest Regression" Algorythm to predict Weather. enter image description here

I use the Weather Dataset that AML Studio suggested me (It's 400K rows of Wheater in a airport). enter image description here

I would like to predict the "DryBulbCelsus" column (it's values between 20 and 23), so I select the column in the Train Model. I run it everything goes well. But the problem is that I don't understand my score model. I have 2 more colums of results "Score Label Mean" and "Score Label Standard Deviation" with data that I don't understand. enter image description here

If someone work with AML and can explain me how I must interprete the data in result. Thank you !

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Atloka Avatar asked Sep 23 '16 08:09


1 Answers

Some learners, specifically the Decision Forest family and Bayes Point Machine, are capable of estimating the uncertainty around the prediction.

The "Scored Label Mean" is the prediction, and "Scored Label Standard Deviation" is the uncertainty around that prediction.

like image 75
Roope Astala - MSFT Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Roope Astala - MSFT