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Azure: Is there a way to view deployed files in Azure?

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How do I view files on Azure?

In Visual Studio, in the window "Server Explorer" you click and connect on "Azure". Here you see all your files and you can edit them directly in Visual Studio.

How do I see deployments in Azure?

You can view details about a resource group deployment through the Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API. Select the resource group you want to examine. Select the link under Deployments. Select one of the deployments from the deployment history.

How do I check deployment logs in Azure app?

You can go to your App Service, click 'Activity log' and set the timespan in which you think the deployment might have occurred (with a maximum of 90 days in the past). In Activity log default Timespan is Last 6 hours, you could choose the Timespan you need.

If you're just trying to look around, and see the various directories and files in your deployment, you can enter the site's "Kudu" dashboard, using the url format http://<yoursitename>.scm.azurewebsites.net

This will give you a web-based dashboard, including a debug console (web-based) where you can explore your various directories (and the directories will show up visually as well).

More info can be found in this post from the Azure Websites team.

In Visual Studio, in the window "Server Explorer" you click and connect on "Azure".

=> App Service

=> Your site name

=> Files

Here you see all your files and you can edit them directly in Visual Studio.

Edit File on Azure

@@@@@ UPDATE 19/08/2019 @@@@@

For some time now, it hasn't worked anymore.... :(

Here is another way to do it: By FTP !

From the Azure portal, in the "App Service" section of your website, go to "Deployment Center" > FTP > Dashboard

There is the FTPS Endpoint => ftp://.....ftp.azurewebsites.windows.net/site/wwwroot

And username, password information.

Install FileZilla Client! (https://filezilla-project.org/)

Enter Host with "FTPS Endpoint" the "username" and "password" and then login quickly!

You can use App Service Editor (previously known as Visual Studio Online). It can be found under your webapp -> Development Tools section in the Azure Portal.

I know this is old, but I just found it, and got some useful tips from it. If you are using an App Service, there is now a browser option to do this as well:


You can get there from the Azure portal, then go to your App service, then scroll down to Development Tools, and click on "App Service Editor".

enter image description here

In VS2017/2019, there's Cloud Explorer to view files in Azure, but each time open folder to view files will invoke connection to cloud, so you have to wait, that's a bit slow.

To open Cloud Explore, Right click on project > Publish > Manage in Cloud Explore, or Top Menu > View > Cloud Explorer.

enter image description here