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Azure Functions vs. Logic Apps

Functions & Logic Apps are two distinct offerings by Microsoft Azure. I wonder what are the use cases that one should favor the new Functions offering over Logic Apps.

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Rotem Varon Avatar asked Apr 02 '16 15:04

Rotem Varon

People also ask

What is the difference between Azure functions and app service?

Azure App Service and Azure Functions considerations for multitenancy. Azure App Service is a powerful web application hosting platform. Azure Functions, built on top of the App Service infrastructure, enables you to easily build serverless and event-driven compute workloads.

What is cheaper Azure functions or logic apps?

2 Answers. Functions app is cheaper when compared to logic app. When comparing Logic Apps and Azure Functions, both can run under a consumption plan. That means both have a pay-per-usage billing model.

Can Azure function trigger a logic app?

You can use Azure Functions to trigger a logic app when you need to deploy a long-running listener or task. For example, you can create a function that listens in on an Azure Service Bus queue and immediately fires a logic app as a push trigger.

1 Answers

Azure Functions is code being triggered by an event.

Logic Apps is a workflow triggered by an event.

That means that they are also, in fact, complementary. You can, as of sometime yesterday, add a Function as part of a workflow inside a Logic App via the Logic Apps UX.

TL;DR - It's Logic Apps + Functions, not Logic Apps OR Functions.

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Chris Anderson-AWS Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Chris Anderson-AWS