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Azure devops showing other people commiting my code

I have been facing this bug for quite some time and I would like some assistance with it. I'm using git to commit codes from my project on visual studio. When I commit on Git Extension, it shows my name correctly. See picture below.

But on the Azure Devops, it shows another person name instead of mine who has supposedly committed the changes as shown here. Green one is my commit but there is another name which shows up. (Red one)

I have followed the following solutions which I found but to no avail.

  1. Verify that my [user] name and email are properly set in the Git config file in git folder where I checked out the project.
  2. Verify that my user name and user email on the Git settings in Git Extension are set properly.
like image 812
Wildchild Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 18:12


1 Answers

Azure DevOps doesn't just register the committer, but also the Pusher. The Pusher is taken from the user credentials used to authenticate to Azure DevOps. Since all the "wrong" users show "XXXXXX pushed", I suspect there is something amiss with the credentials you use to log into Azure DevOps.

There are multiple ways for another user to show up:

  1. Another user has pulled in your commits from another source and has pushed them on your behalf
  2. Your Git credentials in Windows are actually those of another user (PAT or Git credentials). You can clear these credentials in the Windows Credential Manager if you're using Git for Windows with the Git Credential manager for Windows. Or you may need to remove the username:pass@ from your Git Remote settings.
  3. You're running Visual Studio as another user and that user has been used to create the access tokens to access Azure DevOps. These are also stored in the Credential Manager, but may be stored under the user profile of that other user you use to start Visual Studio.
like image 169
jessehouwing Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 09:12
