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Azure DevOps - Create a work item from incoming email

I'm in the process of setting up an in-house Azure DevOps environment. But I'm stuck at a point where I need to set up an email integration.

Question: is it possible within Azure DevOps to create a work item (in general/specific to a project) upon receiving an email?

Trigger: Users report issues via a generic email address (like support email)

Manage: Azure DevOps to capture this email (monitor inbox of this generic email address)

Output: A new work item is created with the contents/subject from the captured email.

Note: Issues could either be a bug, minor usability or other supports

  • I did look into MS Power Automate using flow. But not ideal in my case
  • Searched market place for a possible plugin. But couldn't find one which does this

Thanks in advance for any help or direction.

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Sreejith Nair Avatar asked Mar 24 '20 14:03

Sreejith Nair

People also ask

How do I extract work items from Azure DevOps?

From any query, you can export a list of work items as a comma-delimited list. Open the query, choose the actions icon, and choose Export to CSV. To learn more, see Bulk import or update work items using CSV files. Requires Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 or later version.

Who can add work items in Azure DevOps?

Anyone who has write access to a project can assign work items, including users with Basic and Stakeholder access. Note the following: You can assign a work item only to users that have been added to a project or team. You can assign a work item to one and only one user at a time.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Thanks you for all fellow contributors who suggested alternative approach. Unfortunately, these suggestions doesn't solve my concern at its level and hence I raised a feature request in Azure DevOps Server forum. You may find the request here and please vote it if you think it is relevant to you.

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Sreejith Nair Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10

Sreejith Nair