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Azure Blob Storage - automatically move to Archive storage tier

Is there a feature in Azure to move blobs in Hot/Cool tiers to Archive automatically if they haven't been used in a period of time?

For example, if I have a blob stored in Archive, I access it by rehydrating it to Hot/Cool. Once I am done, is there a way Azure can automatically downtier it?

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Aiswarya Bhavanishankar Avatar asked Jan 18 '18 21:01

Aiswarya Bhavanishankar

1 Answers

Moving to another tier not accessed blobs is possible using native functionality but for the moment this is limited to France Central, Canada East, and Canada Central as the feature is in preview.

In order to use the Last accessed option, select Access tracking enabled on the Lifecycle Management page in the Azure portal.

enter image description here

And then define a rule based on the Last accessed

enter image description here

More details you may find here

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Krzysztof Madej Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Krzysztof Madej