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Azure blob document - Full text search

I am using Azure for hosting my project and chosen blob to store all by files (as they are in megabyte and count is huge). I have a requirement to search within all my files in blob (kind of like full text search). I tried integrating it with Azure search but no luck as the indexes are made on sql only. Is there a way to integrate the full text search in blob?

If not, what would be effective way of storing the documents in azure and still making them searchable (full text search) just like what sharepoint provides.

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Ankit Avatar asked Feb 16 '15 11:02


People also ask

How do I search in BLOB storage?

You can start directly in your Storage Account portal page. In the left navigation page under Data management, select Azure search to select or create a search service. Follow the steps in the wizard to extract and optionally create searchable content from your blobs. The workflow is the Import data wizard.

How do I search for files in Azure Blob Storage?

To search all your Azure Storage Accounts and find an Azure Blob, simply open up Cloud Storage Manager, then go to the FILE and then SEARCH.

Can we query data from BLOB storage?

The Query Blob Contents API applies a simple Structured Query Language (SQL) statement on a blob's contents and returns only the queried subset of the data. You can also call Query Blob Contents to query the contents of a version or snapshot.

Which aspect of free form text search is most computationally intensive?

Processing a collection of free-form text documents is typically computationally intensive and time intensive.

How do I find information in Azure Blob content?

Because your blob content is indexed into a search index, you can use the full range of query features in Azure Cognitive Search to find information in your blob content. Inputs are your blobs, in a single container, in Azure Blob Storage.

What is the Azure Search indexer for Blob Storage?

Through capabilities like the Azure Search Indexer, we have tried to make it convenient to ingest data from common data sources to enable this full text search support. Recently we released the Azure Search Indexer for Azure Blob Storage which allows extraction of text from common file types such as Office, PDF and HTML.

What is Azure Cognitive Search blob content?

Because your blob content is indexed into a search index, you can use the full range of query features in Azure Cognitive Search to find information in your blob content. Inputs are your blobs, in a single container, in Azure Blob Storage. Blobs can be almost any kind of text data.

How to search for text on images and documents with Azure Search?

To search for text on images and documents with Azure Search, here are the simple steps that we will follow: 1. Create a Storage Account The first step for our cognitive search engine is to create a storage account in Azure, in which we will store the files we want to analyze. We create our storage account by entering the requested parameters:

1 Answers

I work on Azure Search. We just shipped preview support for indexing documents stored in Azure blob storage, with support for PDF, Office docs, HTML and a few other formats. Please see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/search-howto-indexing-azure-blob-storage/ for more details.

Thanks, Eugene

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Eugene Shvets Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Eugene Shvets