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Aztec barcode vs QR-Code

I am trying to develop an application that will use tickets given the user the ability to validate them. I am wondering why I should choose Aztec barcode as many many companies have already chosen that instead of QR-Codes. What are the pros of the Aztec barcodes?

I good comparison I have found so far is: http://www.tec-it.com/en/support/knowbase/barcode-overview/2d-barcodes/Default.aspx

and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aztec_Code on Usage section you can see that is used quite often.

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arniotaki Avatar asked Jan 09 '15 09:01


People also ask

Are barcodes or QR codes better?

Here are the major advantages of QR codes:QR codes store far more data than traditional barcodes. QR codes log over 2,500 numeric characters and over 1,500 alpha-numeric characters. Barcodes, on the other hand, max out at around 25 characters.

Is QR code and barcode same?

The main difference between barcodes and QR codes is one of physical dimensions. Barcodes can be scanned in a line. This means that data is limited to what can be placed in that one stretch of stripes. QR codes, on the other hand, add another dimension from which information can be written and scanned.

Is there anything better than a QR code?

Near field communication (NFC) tags are one of the new tools that could potentially replace QR codes. Unlike QR codes, NFC tags do not require an extra application. The NFC chip technology already comes built into the majority of modern smartphones, which is a huge advantage.

Are Aztec codes better than QR codes?

Although Aztec Codes have many useful features, QR Codes still reign supreme. If you need to use a code for marketing or providing contactless services for customers, for example, a QR Code is your better bet.

Is there a free barcode generator for Aztec codes?

Similarly the free barcode generator package "zint" will produce Aztec codes, but has a handful of bugs, and does not make full use of the codec to optimize their size as small as possible. Its generation of QR codes, on the other hand, is bulletproof. Show activity on this post.

What is Aztec code?

Aztec Code is a type of 2D barcode invented by Andrew Longacre, Jr. and Robert Hussey in 1995. The code was published by AIM, Inc. in 1997. Although the Aztec Code was patented, that patent was officially made public domain.

What is the difference between the Swiss QR code and codablock?

The Swiss QR Code contains all relevant payment information for digital payment or further processing of a QR invoice. Health Industry Barcode (HIBC), used for small labels and secure data. Codablock F is a 2D bar code developed by ELMICRON, as an extension of Code 128.

1 Answers

Although Aztec Codes are more compact and tunable, there is poor support for them among open, non-proprietary software. I would still use QR Codes for now, which have very mature software support on a wide variety of platforms.

If space is at a premium for you, and you do not care for users to be able to read or generate your codes with their own software or on a wide variety of devices, then Aztec would be a better choice. Aztec codes do not require a surrounding margin, allow for very finely tunable error correction level, and have a tighter encoding optimized for a wider range of message texts.

For example, the Aztec codec has a mode specialized for encoding lowercase letters, so it could encode most of this question answer with only 5 bits per character. The QR codec is only optimized for uppercase URLs, and must store lowercase letters as full 8-bit binary data. A QR code containing this text would have to encode about 160% as much data as an Aztec code -- and then it needs a margin space too.

QR codes require more space than Aztec codes but have freely available software supporting them.

Aztec codes can store more information, but there is poor free support for them. They can be harder to read and generate efficiently, right now.

On an Android phone, Google's "Barcode Scanner" application will scan an Aztec code after a longer delay than a QR code, and the user has to manually enable Aztec code scanning in the application preferences.

Similarly the free barcode generator package "zint" will produce Aztec codes, but has a handful of bugs, and does not make full use of the codec to optimize their size as small as possible. Its generation of QR codes, on the other hand, is bulletproof.

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fuzzyTew Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
