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Axis2 is not working properly

When I try to access Services, Validate and Administration link on the URL http://localhost:82/SOAPDemo/, where my Axis2 Web Application is deployed, it gives me the following error :

Servlet.init() for servlet AxisServlet threw exception

At the back-end, while apache tomcat 7 is being started in eclipse, it shows me the following warning :

[WARN] Unable to instantiate deployer org.apache.axis2.deployment.ServiceDeployer;

like image 345
Sudarshan Ekambe Avatar asked Apr 12 '16 10:04

Sudarshan Ekambe

People also ask

How to set AXIS2_HOME environment variable?

Set an environment variable AXIS2_HOME to the pathname of the extracted directory of Axis2 (Eg: /opt/axis2-1.8. 2). Linux users can alternatively run the setenv.sh file available in the AXIS2_HOME/bin directory to set the AXIS2_HOME environment variable to the Axis2 classpath.

What is the difference between Axis and Axis2?

Axis is RI of old JAX-RPC 1.1 , Axis 2 is implementation of new JAX-WS 2. x. Axis don't support Annotations , Axis 2 supports annotations so supports new way of developing webservice with annotations e.g @Webservice / @ Webmethod annotations.

What is Axis2 server?

The well known Apache Axis, and the the second generation of it, the Apache Axis2, are two Web Service containers that helps users to create, deploy, and run Web Services. Axis2 is avaialble in both Java as well as C, languages and details about each version can be found below.

1 Answers

I solved this by adding axis2-jaxws.jar in the classpath. You can integrate it with maven : http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.axis2/axis2-jaxws

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Pierre-Yves Le Dévéhat Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09

Pierre-Yves Le Dévéhat