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AWS::Event::Rule FailedInvocation debug info?

I have a AWS::Event::Rule that routes a S3 put event to a ECS task. I can see the rule is being triggered from the metrics, but also see FailedInvocation on every trigger. I suspect that's a permission / policy issue, but not able to find any debug info or log. Is these debug info available somewhere?

I see a similar issue with Lambda as target, which needs an extra permission on the Lambda side to allow trigger from events, but was not able to find similar settings for ECS? AWS Cloudformation - Invocation of Lambda by Rule Event failed

Here is the related CloudFormation code, which shows the current role with the ECS target:

    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
      Targets: # target of trigger: ECS
        - Arn:
            Fn::Sub: 'arn:aws:ecs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:cluster/${ClusterName}'
          Id: 'EcsTriggerTarget'
              s3_bucket: "$.detail.requestParameters.bucketName"
              s3_key: "$.detail.requestParameters.key"
            InputTemplate: '{"containerOverrides": [{"environment": [{"name": "S3_BUCKET", "value": <s3_bucket>}, {"name": "S3_KEY", "value": <s3_key>}]}]}'
            LaunchType: FARGATE
            PlatformVersion: LATEST
            TaskCount: 1
              Ref: Task
                AssignPublicIp: DISABLED
                SecurityGroups: ...
                Subnets: ...
            Fn::GetAtt: EcsTriggerRole.Arn

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: '2012-10-17'
          - Effect: Allow
            Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'
              Service: 'events.amazonaws.com'
        - Fn::Sub: 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceEventsRole'
like image 531
lznt Avatar asked Jul 16 '19 18:07


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You can test the event pattern when creating your rule. Select Test event pattern to test your event. In the AWS CLI, run the test-event-pattern command. To confirm that the event pattern matches, be sure that the result is true.

How do I check my CloudWatch event log?

Open the CloudWatch console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/cloudwatch/ . In the navigation pane, choose Events, select the name of the rule that you created, and choose Show metrics for the rule. To view the output from your Lambda function, do the following: In the navigation pane, choose Logs.

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CloudWatch Events provides a default event bus that exists in every AWS account. All AWS events are routed via the default bus. You can also choose to publish your custom events to the default bus. EventBridge introduces custom event buses you can use exclusively for your own workloads.

1 Answers

I chatted with a Support Engineer at AWS today about this issue. According to them, debugging any FailedInvocation issues must be done at the resource-level and cannot be debugged at the EventBridge-level. From our chat:

I just confirmed from internal cloudwatch team, cloudwatch do not provide any logs for failed invocation. Apart from the failedinvocation metrics, there is no logging avaialble from cloudwatch side. As mentioned, you need to rely on lambda logs or resources logs.

In other words, if your Rule invokes ECS (the resource), the only debug logs available are from ECS and not from EventBridge. I asked the support engineer to submit a feature request on my team's behalf, so you could also consider doing this via the AWS Support channels.

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blimmer Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09
