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AWS PHP SDK: Limit S3 file upload size in presigned URL

I'm working on a project involving generating S3 URLs that someone else can use to upload files to my S3 bucket. Here's a minimal working example:


    use Aws\S3\S3Client;

    $s3client = new S3Client(...); // credentials go here

    $id = uniqid(); // generate some kind of key

    $command = $s3client->getCommand('PutObject', [
        'ACL' => 'private',
        'Body' => '',
        'Bucket' => 'mybucket',
        'Key' => 'tmp/' . $id]);

    echo (string) $s3client->createPresignedRequest($command, '+5 minutes')->getURI();


Now, if I put that file at a location accessible by the internet, my web server can be used to fetch new signed upload URLs:

$ curl http://my.domain.com/some/page.php
$ curl -X PUT -d "@someFile" https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/tmp/someID?x-amz-acl=private&lots-of-aws-params...

This successfully uploads a local file to my bucket, so I can play with it in S3.

Let's suppose that I'm not too worried about people generating many URLs and uploading many files to my bucket in a short period of time, but I would like to limit the size of uploaded files. Many resources suggest attaching a policy to the signed URL:


    use Aws\S3\S3Client;

    $s3client = new S3Client(...); // credentials go here

    $id = uniqid(); // generate some kind of key

    $policy = [
        'conditions' => [
            ['acl' => 'private'],
            ['bucket' => 'mybucket'],
            ['content-length-range', 0, 8*1024], // 8 KiB
            ['starts-with', '$key', 'tmp/']
        ], 'expiration' =>
            (new DateTime())->modify('+5 minutes')->format(DateTime::ATOM)];

    $command = $s3client->getCommand('PutObject', [
        'ACL' => 'private',
        'Body' => '',
        'Bucket' => 'mybucket',
        'Key' => 'tmp/' . $id,
        'Policy' => $policy]);

    echo (string) $s3client->createPresignedRequest($command, '+5 minutes')->getURI();


This version generates URLS (without any indication of errors) that can be used in the same way. I'm not sure if I need some of those conditions in the policy (acl, bucket, starts-with), but I don't think that including them would break the policy.

In theory, attempting to use this signed URL to upload a file larger than 8 KiB should cause S3 to abort the upload. However, testing this with a larger file shows that curl still happily uploads the file:

$ ls -lh file.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 millinon millinon 210K Jan  2 00:41 file.txt
$ curl http://my.domain.com/some/page.php
$ curl -X PUT -d "@file.txt" https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/tmp/someOtherID?x-amz-acl=private&lots-of-aws-params...

Checking the bucket shows that, indeed, the large file was uploaded, and the file's size is larger than the policy supposedly indicates.

Since various pages show different ways of attaching the policy, I have also tried the following versions:

'Policy' => json_encode($policy)
'Policy' => base64_encode(json_encode($policy))

However, URLs generated with any of these versions allow files larger than the specified size to be uploaded.

Am I attaching the policy incorrectly, or is there a fundamental limitation to restricting uploads to S3 in this manner?

For my web server, I'm using HHVM 3.11.1 with version 3.14.1 of the AWS SDK for PHP.

like image 709
millinon Avatar asked Feb 02 '16 01:02


People also ask

What is the maximum size we can upload in S3 bucket?

You can upload any file type—images, backups, data, movies, etc. —into an S3 bucket. The maximum size of a file that you can upload by using the Amazon S3 console is 160 GB. To upload a file larger than 160 GB, use the AWS CLI, AWS SDK, or Amazon S3 REST API.

What is the minimum file size that you can upload into S3?

Common S3 Cost Pitfalls In some S3 storage classes, there is minimum file size. In the case of the Infrequent Access storage class, the minimum file size is 128Kb.

Can an S3 upload policy be used with pre-signed URLs?

An S3 upload policy cannot be used with pre-signed URLs. A policy document can be used with browser uploads to S3 using HTML POST Forms. Pre-signed URLs and HTML POST forms are two different methods of uploading to S3. The former is arguably simpler, but less flexible, than the latter.

How to get the pre-signed url of an Amazon S3 object?

Then import the AWS SDK for PHP, as described in Basic Usage Patterns of the AWS SDK for PHP Version 3 . You can get the pre-signed URL to an Amazon S3 object by using the Aws\S3\S3Client::createPresignedRequest () method.

Can I upload a file larger than 8 KiB to S3?

In theory, attempting to use this signed URL to upload a file larger than 8 KiB should cause S3 to abort the upload. However, testing this with a larger file shows that curl still happily uploads the file: Checking the bucket shows that, indeed, the large file was uploaded, and the file's size is larger than the policy supposedly indicates.

Is there a way to limit the size of content uploads?

You may not be able to limit content upload size ex-ante, especially considering POST and Multi-Part uploads. You could use AWS Lambda to create an ex-post solution. You can setup a Lambda function to receive notifications from the S3 bucket, have the function check the object size and have the function delete the object or do some other action.

2 Answers

An S3 upload policy cannot be used with pre-signed URLs.

A policy document can be used with browser uploads to S3 using HTML POST Forms.

Pre-signed URLs and HTML POST forms are two different methods of uploading to S3. The former is arguably simpler, but less flexible, than the latter.


If you must upload the files without the use of a browser, the HTML POST Form's request can be reproduced using PHP's curl functions, a library such as Guzzle, or using the command line as follows:

curl 'https://s3-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/' \
    -F 'key=uploads/${filename}' \
    -F 'acl=private' \
    -F 'success_action_redirect=http://localhost/' \
    -F 'Content-Type=image/jpeg' \
    -F '[email protected]'
like image 141
Francis Eytan Dortort Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11

Francis Eytan Dortort

can you try to add the specific policy to your bucket

    'Bucket' => $bucket,
    'Policy' => json_encode(array(
        'conditions' => array(
                'content-length-range', 0, 8*1024,
                'starts-with', '$key', 'tmp/'

and after this, just use the normal putObject command

$command = $s3client->getCommand('PutObject', [
    'ACL' => 'private',
    'Body' => '',
    'Bucket' => 'mybucket',
    'Key' => 'tmp/' . $id]);
like image 33
Frederic Henri Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11

Frederic Henri