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AWS lambda R runtime segmentation fault

I am attempting to create a runtime layer to enable using R as the runtime for lambda functions using their new runtime API.

To do this, I have created a layer that contains all the dependencies needed for R, and then a second layer containing R itself. I built these layers using the same Amazon AMI that lambda runs on. I tested my build by zipping up my layers, creating a fresh instance, and then downloading and unzipping the layers into that new instance (putting everything in /opt, which also happens to be where I installed R and its dependencies when I built them). I used an instance type with minimal resources (2 cpu, 4GB RAM). As I understand it, this should then very closely approximate the lambda environment.

I have a little test script (test.r) that simply prints a message to stdout. This runs fine in the test environment. Here is the script:

cat("hello from planet lambdar")

And here is how it is invoked in the bootstrap script in my layer:

SCRIPT=$LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT/$(echo "$_HANDLER" | cut -d. -f1).r
  echo "About to run $SCRIPT"
  /opt/R/bin/Rscript $SCRIPT

From the logging below, it is apparent that the name of the script gets sent and parsed correctly. I have previously confirmed that the script test.r lands in /var/task as expected. But running this script via lambda results in a segmentation fault:

START RequestId: 2c1b8801-f903-11e8-a32d-796c039278f1 Version: $LATEST
About to run /var/task/test.r
/opt/bootstrap: line 18:    18 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) /opt/R/bin/Rscript $SCRIPT

How do I debug this segmentation fault given that the process runs fine on a minimal EC2 instance running the same Amazon AMI used by lambda, loaded with the same set of tools and dependencies I created for the the layers I added to my lambda function?

like image 802
Eric Avatar asked Mar 04 '23 22:03


1 Answers

In this case, it turned out that I was overly aggressive in copying shared libraries linked to the R executable into my layer. I took everything listed by

ldd /opt/R/lib/libR.so

and copied it to /opt/lib

The problem is that many of those libraries were already in the AMI, and their presence in a different location caused problems (perhaps related to the library cache?).

By moving only the two libraries that were not in the AMI (but added when I installed the build tools, which of course are not in the Lambda environment), the segfault went away. These two libraries are:


To answer the deeper question here, namely how to debug segfaults in the Lambda environment, I found inspiration here, and included something like this in my bootstrap script to print the backtrace from the core dump:

gdb -q -n -ex bt -batch /opt/R/bin/Rscript /temp/core.N.XXXX

Where core.N.XXXX was the name of the core dump file (which can be discovered by putting echo $(ls /tmp) in your bootstrap script). The cloudwatch logs will then contain at least some hints from the backtrace.

like image 164
Eric Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 09:03
