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AWS Lambda error on Cognito User Pool trigger

I'm trying to insert a record into DynamoDB invoking "Pre sign-up" trigger of Cognito User Pool.

Lambda function is pretty simple for testing purposes but there is always an error in client application on AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.CognitoUserPool.signUp call

Use case 1

Lambda body:

console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));


InvalidLambdaResponseException: Invalid lambda function output : Invalid JSON

Use case 2

Lambda body:

callback("null", "success");


InvalidLambdaResponseException: Invalid lambda function output : Invalid JSON

Use case 3

Lambda body:

new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient().put(params, callback);


InvalidLambdaResponseException: Invalid cognito sign in version. Version should be 1

So, any ideas what might be wrong?

Could the latest error might be related to the beta status of Cognito User Pool?

P.S. I will provide more details if needed. Thanks in advance.

like image 995
Stanislau Avatar asked May 24 '16 21:05


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1 Answers

You are doing this in node.js and the error indicates you are not returning the service expected event source.

You should call context.done() when your lambda function finishes execution. Also, in any of the trigger sources which Cognito User Pool service generates, you can only edit the "response" part of the the source. For example, "autoConfirmUser" flag in PreSignUp trigger source.

Look at the examples in our developer guide for more details on this.

like image 135
Chetan Mehta Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

Chetan Mehta