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AWS Lambda connection timeout to Elasticache

I am trying to make Serverless work with Elasticache. I wrote a custom CloudFormation file based on serverless-examples/serverless-infrastructure repo. I managed to put Elasticache and Lambda in one subnet (checked with the cli). I retrieve the host and the port from the Outputs, but whenever I am trying to connect with node-redis the connection times out. Here are the relevant parts:

  • Resources
  • Serverless Config
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clstl Avatar asked Jan 09 '17 08:01


1 Answers

I ran into this issue as well, but with Python. For me, there were a few problems that had to be ironed out

  • The lambda needs VPC permissions.
  • The ElastiCache security group needs an inbound rule from the Lambda security group that allows communication on the Redis port. I thought they could just be in the same security group.
  • And the real kicker: I had turned on encryption in-transit. This meant that I needed to pass redis.RedisClient(... ssl=True). The redis-py page mentions that ssl_cert_reqs needs to be set to None for use with ElastiCache, but that didn't seem to be true in my case. I did however need to pass ssl=True.

It makes sense that ssl=True needed to be set but the connection was just timing out so I went round and round trying to figure out what the problem with the permissions/VPC/SG setup was.

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feus4177 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10
