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AWS EIP Limit Increase

I understand that I get 5 EIP per region and if I need more I need to request service limit increase.

My question is how many can I get after service limit increase? Is it possible to get 50 EIP?

Please note that the DNS IP that AWS provides is not an option since that cannot be assigned to after instance is created and DNS IP cannot be attached to the second interface of my device (it can only be assigned to eth0 of a given EC2 instance)

All I need is a public IP that I can assign to eth1 or eth2 And I need to do that for about 50 EC2 instances.

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indichimp Avatar asked Jun 17 '14 23:06


People also ask

What is the default limit for EIP in AWS account?

Elastic IP address limit By default, all AWS accounts are limited to five (5) Elastic IP addresses per Region, because public (IPv4) internet addresses are a scarce public resource.

How long does AWS take to increase limits?

AWS Support should be reaching out to you, however, please note that it can take up to 24-48 working hours to get your limit increase.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Yes you can get more EIP on request. You can then attach/reattach them for your EC2 instances.

Contact AWS Support - Indicating the Service Limit Increase.

  • EIP Service Limit Increase - Link
  • General EC2 Limits Info - Link
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Naveen Vijay Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Naveen Vijay