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AWS CloudWatch Client Side Logging

I am running an react app. I want to log error to my aws cloudwatch without hard coding the access key and secret key on my client side code. I am using 'Error Boundary Component' for catching error.

Thank you for your help.

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Merlin Joseph Avatar asked May 07 '20 11:05

Merlin Joseph

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For example to use CloudWatch Logs with a .NET application using NLog, add the AWS.Logger.NLog NuGet package, and then add the AWS target into your NLog.config file. Here is an example of an NLog.config file that enables both CloudWatch Logs and the console as output for the log messages.

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1 Answers

I assume by "react app" you mean a React-based web application, often called an SPA for Single Page Application.

In that case you are correct, you do not want to hard-code and credentials as that would expose them to any user who has access to the page.

The most common architecture for doing this is to setup the following:

  1. A Lambda that will take your logging event and log it for you in Cloudwatch.
  2. An API-Gateway that your application can call that will trigger the Lambda.
  3. An Authorizer on the API-Gateway resource that will validate a JWT that is passed from the application.
  4. AWS Cognito that will supply your application with a JWT based on some login, either directly or via some integration with another service that is applicable for your case.
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jwh20 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 16:10
