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AWS CLI : Could not connect to the endpoint URL : "https://sts.amazonaws.com/"

We have trouble to execute any command on Windows AWS CLI. After AWS Configure as follows, almost every command returns the sts access error.

-- AWS Configure
output = json

-- command & error message
aws s3 ls
Could not connect to the endpoint URL : "https://sts.amazonaws.com/"

If you went trought the same kind of issue, could you kindly tell me what should be re-configured or added, like any special security group etc. ?

Any advice would be appreciated again.

like image 791
Sachiko Avatar asked Sep 10 '18 07:09


2 Answers

I was having this issue as well. The problem was with my machine. Running ipconfig /renew on my Windows 10 machine solved the problem.

Hopefully this helps someone else some day.

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kendaop Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10


To access S3 of another account using VPC endpoint in a closed area, the following addition may be required depending on the version of AWS CLI.




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susaki Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10
