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Awaiting an RX subject in F#

This is the same as How do I await a response from an RX Subject without introducing a race condition?, but in F#.

The C# solution looks like:

static async void Foo()
    var subject = new Subject<int>();
    var firstInt = subject.FirstAsync().PublishLast();

    var x = await firstInt;
    Console.WriteLine("Done waiting: " + x);

My attempt in F# is this:

let foo () =
    async {
        use subject = new Subject<int>()
        let firstInt = subject.FirstAsync().PublishLast()
        firstInt.Connect() |> ignore

        let! x = firstInt
        printfn "Done waiting: %d" x
        return ()

The let x! = firstInt gives the compile error This expression was expected to have type Async<'a> but here has type IConnectableObservable<int> so apparently C# does something under the hood that F# doesn't.

Is there a C# implicit interface cast at work here, that I need to do explicitly in F#? If so, I can't figure out what it is.

like image 333
John Reynolds Avatar asked Sep 25 '22 16:09

John Reynolds

1 Answers

After further digging, it seems that C# calls GetAwaiter() under the hood when you await something. For a Subject or an IObservable, GetAwaiter returns an AsyncSubject, which isn't immediately useful in F#, but the ToTask extension method in System.Reactive.Threading.Tasks makes it useful. Apparently, you can apply ToTask directly to a Subject (or an IObservable) without going by way of GetAwaiter, so my problem is solved by changing the let! x ... statement to:

    let! x = firstInt.ToTask() |> Async.AwaitTask


There's a better way

Using FSharpx.Async is a much better way of accomplishing the same thing:

open FSharpx.Control.Observable

let foo () =
    async {
        use subject = new Subject<int>()

        let! x = Async.AwaitObservable subject
        printfn "Done waiting: %d" x
        return ()
like image 177
John Reynolds Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

John Reynolds