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await page.cookies() not returning cookies seen in response header

I am executing a basic puppeteer script that opens a webpage looks at response values and then pulls the cookies.

In the example below the response header has the following key values:

page.on('response', response => {
  const req = response.request();
  const resp = response;
  let result = {};
  result['method'] = req.method;
  result['status'] = resp.status;
  result['url'] = req.url;
  result['headers'] = resp.headers;

// Output of result['headers'] shortened for example
     u'server': u'Microsoft-IIS/7.5',
     u'set-cookie': u'A6=030uxloava000EG.000010000; expires=Mon, 16-Apr-2018 21:30:52 GMT; domain=.serving-sys.com; path=/\nC6=; expires=Mon, 16-Apr-2018 21:30:52 GMT; domain=.serving-sys.com; path=/\nD3=; expires=Mon, 16-Apr-2018 21:30:52 GMT; domain=.serving-sys.com; path=/\nu2=7f11f3f6-8979-4adc-824e-4d43b67f9b374ib310; expires=Mon, 16-Apr-2018 21:30:52 GMT; domain=.serving-sys.com; path=/',
     u'x-powered-by': u'ASP.NET'},

In that header you'll see a set-cookie but when I call await page.cookies() right after page.on('response'... :

    const cookies = await page.cookies();

const cookies will be []. Am I missing something here?

like image 319
Matthew Essenburg Avatar asked Jan 17 '18 02:01

Matthew Essenburg

People also ask

How do you make cookies out of puppeteers?

You can use the page. setCookie() method in puppeteer to set cookies for any website. Remember, you need to first navigate to a page via Puppeteer before you can set cookies on a particular website. So, always use the page.

Why are cookies not sent with request?

Check out the OPTIONS response header ACCESS-CONTROL-ALLOW-CREDENTIAL whether it is set to true . If the server doesn't allow credentials being sent along, the browser will just not attach cookies and authorization headers. So this could be another reason why the cookies are missing in the POST cross-site request.

1 Answers

The response event fires before the request has actually completed. You could use requestfinished instead, but if you don't care about the individual HTTP requests (for all scripts, images, etc.), you can get the "final cookies" with just:

 const page = await browser.newPage()
 await page.goto('https://www.google.com')
 const cookies = await page.cookies()
like image 77
Pasi Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10
