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avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout



This is the main error that I get when I try to run my ARDUINO program. The full list of errors is as follows:

avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer 

My code is as follows:

int led=13; void setup() {     pinMode(13,OUTPUT); }  void loop() {     digitalWrite(13,HIGH);     delay(1000);     digitalWrite(13,LOW);     delay(1000); } 

I have tried updating the drivers (they are fully updated) and downloading some programs. I have Windows 7 and my arduino is a MEGA 2560. It shows up in the Device Manager and all of my connections are correct. The green PWR light is on and so is the flashing L light. The RX and TX lights flash when I update. I have tried almost everything on the web. What is the problem?

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nattynerdy Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 21:10


People also ask

What does Avrdude stk500v2_receivemessage (): Timeout mean?

The error message basically means that the programmer is unable to contact the bootloader on the device; the code you're trying to upload has no bearing on the problem.

Which programmer should I use Arduino?

The Arduino ISP is an In-System-Programmer that is used to program AVR microcontrollers. You can use the Arduino ISP to upload sketches directly on the AVR-based Arduino boards without the need of the bootloader. Otherwise you can use it to restore the bootloader.

2 Answers

Another possible reason for this error for the Mega 2560 is if your code has three exclamation marks in a row. Perhaps in a recently added string.

3 bang marks in a row causes the Mega 2560 bootloader to go into Monitor mode from which it can not finish programming.

"!!!" <--- breaks Mega 2560 bootloader.

To fix, unplug the Arduino USB to reset the COM port and then recompile with only two exclamation points or with spaces between or whatever. Then reconnect the Arduino and program as usual.

Yes, this bit me yesterday and today I tracked down the culprit. Here is a link with more information: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=132595.0

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aaronsti Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10


The error message basically means that the programmer is unable to contact the bootloader on the device; the code you're trying to upload has no bearing on the problem.

What causes this can be numerous and varied, some possible issues:

  1. UART communications

    • Blinking is happening, so hopefully you aren't using the wrong port. It might be worth checking again though, sometimes USB COM devices install on strange port numbers.

    • Connect TX to RX (and disconnect them from the AVR if possible) then open a terminal on the COM port, you should see characters echoed if you type them. If you don't, something is wrong up-stream of the chip, it could be the communications chip (I think the Arduino 2560 uses a secondary AVR instead of an FTDI for some reason, so that could be broken, either its software or hardware)

  2. ATmega* bootloader

    • The AVR is not executing the bootloader for some reason. If the programmer is not resetting the micro before attempting to connect, this might be the reason. Try to reset the AVR (press and release the button) while the programmer is attempting to connect. Sometimes software that runs in a tight loop will prevent the bootloader from connecting.

    • Barring that, the fuses might have gotten messed up or the code erased. You would need to reflash the bootloader and proper fuses, again, see the appropriate info page for your device.

  3. Arduino Mega 2560 only: ATmega8U/16U software

    • Might not be working and would need reprogramming. See the Programming section on the info page, you will need the firmware and Atmel-compatible DFU (device firmware update) software on your computer to reflash the target.
  4. Hardware damage to the board, AVR(s), or FTDI chip

    • You're hosed; need a new chip.

Check this forum post for some more ideas.

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Nick T Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10

Nick T