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AVPlayer And Local Files


I am building a MP3 player for iOS that plays audio files hosted on the web. I want to offer the ability to play the files offline so I have the files downloading using ASIHTTP but I am cannot seem to find info on initiallzing AVPlayer with a mp3 in the app documents directory. Has anyone done this before? Is it even possible?

*I posted an answer below that shows how to use the iOS AvPlayer for both local and http files. Hope this helps!

like image 566
stitz Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 03:03


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Video Answer

2 Answers

I decided to answer my own question because I felt like there is very little documentation on how to use the Apple provided AVPlayer for both local and stream (over http) files. To help understand the solution, I put together a sample project on GitHub in Objective-C and Swift The code below is Objective-C but you can download my Swift example to see that. It is very similar!

What I found is that the two ways of setting up the files are almost identical except for how you instantiate your NSURL for the Asset > PlayerItem > AVPlayer chain.

Here is an outline of the core methods

.h file (partial code)

-(IBAction) BtnGoClick:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) BtnGoLocalClick:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) BtnPlay:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) BtnPause:(id)sender;
-(void) setupAVPlayerForURL: (NSURL*) url;

.m file (partial code)

-(IBAction) BtnGoClick:(id)sender {

    NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@""];

    [self setupAVPlayerForURL:url];

-(IBAction) BtnGoLocalClick:(id)sender {

    // - - - Pull media from documents folder

    //NSString* saveFileName = @"MyAudio.mp3";
    //NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    //NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
    //NSString *path = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:saveFileName];

    // - - -

    // - - - Pull media from resources folder

    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MyAudio" ofType:@"mp3"];

    // - - -

    NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath: path];

    [self setupAVPlayerForURL:url];

-(void) setupAVPlayerForURL: (NSURL*) url {
    AVAsset *asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:url options:nil];
    AVPlayerItem *anItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:asset];

    player = [AVPlayer playerWithPlayerItem:anItem];
    [player addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"status" options:0 context:nil];

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {

    if (object == player && [keyPath isEqualToString:@"status"]) {
        if (player.status == AVPlayerStatusFailed) {
            NSLog(@"AVPlayer Failed");
        } else if (player.status == AVPlayerStatusReadyToPlay) {
            NSLog(@"AVPlayer Ready to Play");
        } else if (player.status == AVPlayerItemStatusUnknown) {
            NSLog(@"AVPlayer Unknown");

-(IBAction) BtnPlay:(id)sender {
    [player play];

-(IBAction) BtnPause:(id)sender {
    [player pause];

Check out the Objective-C source code for a working example of this. Hope this helps!

-Update 12/7/2015 I now have a Swift example of the source code you can view here.

like image 135
stitz Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 22:11


I got AVPlayer to work with local URL by prepending file:// to my local url

NSURL * localURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[@"file://" stringByAppendingString:YOUR_LOCAL_URL]];
AVPlayer * player = [[AVPlayer alloc] initWithURL:localURL];
like image 23
Sudo Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 23:11
