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Avoid syntax error warnings when using string interpolation in SQL query generation



When using string interpolation, sprintf or generally any form of dynamically creating an SQL query string, PhpStorm usually trips up. For example:

$placeholders = join(', ', array_fill(0, count($ids), '?'));
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar IN ($placeholders)");


$db->prepare(sprintf('INSERT .. (%s) ..', $foo))

These understandably trigger some sort of SQL syntax error warning in PhpStorm. Is there any way to suppress those without outright disabling SQL language parsing?

like image 626
deceze Avatar asked Aug 27 '14 14:08


People also ask

Does string interpolation prevent SQL injection?

String interpolation is just a syntax sugar for formatting string. It gives you no protection against SQL injection. You should use SQL parameters to provide values for your query.

What are the syntax related errors in this query?

This SQL error generally means that somewhere in the query, there is invalid syntax. Some common examples: Using a database-specific SQL for the wrong database (eg BigQuery supports DATE_ADD, but Redshift supports DATEADD) Typo in the SQL (missing comma, misspelled word, etc)

What is SQL interpolation?

SQLInterpolation is an SQL builder which uses String interpolation since Scala 2.10. The usage is pretty simple - just embedding values into sql"“ template without #bind or #bindByName .

1 Answers

I found the definitive answer to this problem from Jetbrains Blog:


You need to add \%\w+. in your Tools > Database section.

PhpStorm configuration screenshot

like image 68
Emerge Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
