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Avoid page break inside in header table with rowspan not working (printing)

I'm trying to generate a pdf with Puppeteer chrome.
The data in the pdf is dynamic.
The pdf contain multiple tables that I generate by looping through the data.
So, there are two loops, looping the tables and looping the data (<td>) inside each table.

The header of the table - inside <thead> - has rowspan. Unfortunately, the <thead> is not breaking as I expected.

Here is the current situation:

enter image description here

expected result

What I expect is that the <thead> wouldn't break.
If the <thead> does not fit, it should go to the next page.
I created the template using handlebars.

Here is the code of the template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

    body {
      min-height: 150mm !important;
      max-width: 297mm !important;

    @page {
      size: auto;

    {{#each array as |data|}}
      <thead style="page-break-inside: avoid !important">
          <th rowspan="2">
          <th rowspan="2">
          <th colspan="2">
          <th rowspan="2">
          <th rowspan="2">
          <th colspan="2">
          <th colspan="2">
            Three child 1
            Three child 2
            Six child 1
            Six child 2
            Seven child 1
            Seven child 2
        {{#each data.innerArray as |innerData|}}


I’ve tried

  1. I’ve tried to set page-break-inside: avoid !important inside the <thead>, <tr>, <th> but it's not working.
  2. I’ve tried to wrap the <thead> with <div> and give page-break-inside: avoid !important to the div, still not working.

I don't know how to make this works. Any help, please?


I am open with answer that mix with plain javascript to solve this issue. I am thinking, could I try to detect the position of the <thead>, then, check if the <thead> is near (exact distance) the bottom of the page? If it match the condition, it will add style page-break-before true to that table only?

like image 554
Akza Avatar asked Aug 29 '19 08:08


People also ask

How do I prevent page breaks within a table row?

You may want to avoid page breaks inside tables, code snippets, lists of items, and images, for example. Using the page-break-inside property, you can do just that.

How do you keep a table from breaking across pages in CSS?

In order to prevent a table to be split in several pages it is required to apply the page-break-inside and page-break-after styles to all of its contents. This trick works unless the table occupies more space than a full page.

What is page-break inside avoid?

The page-break-inside property sets whether a page-break should be avoided inside a specified element. Tip: The properties: page-break-before, page-break-after and page-break-inside help to define how a document should behave when printed. Note: You cannot use this property on absolutely positioned elements.

What is page-break after always?

always − A page break should be forced after this element's box. avoid − No page break should be placed after the element's box if at all possible. left − Force one or two page breaks after the element's box, such that the next page on which an element is printed will be a left-hand page.

1 Answers

Try limiting each column's width as style="width: <somevalue>%;" in total it should meet 100% like below code. Change the % values and split to the columns according to the amount of content you maintain inside each column.

Example Code:

  <th rowspan="2" style="width: 10%;">
  <th rowspan="2" style="width: 20%;">
  <th colspan="2" style="width: 20%;">
  <th rowspan="2" style="width: 5%;">
  <th rowspan="2" style="width: 5%;">
  <th colspan="2" style="width: 20%;">
  <th colspan="2" style="width: 20%;">
like image 166
BHARATH V Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 12:01