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Avoid bulk data export into csv when the header is dynamic

I stumbled across a very simple situation which I cannot seem to find a solution for.

What I want to do is simple: write some data into a .csv file containing:

  • a dynamic header
  • some data

The way I'm doing it right now seems to be the only solution that I could come up with:

  • store the data that I need in a list of dictionaries
  • get the keys() of every dictionary in the above list and add them to a set() (this will be the header)
  • write the data to the file using writer.writerows(data)

Basically, a simple MCVE might look like this:

from csv import DictWriter

RESULT_FILE = 'test_result.csv'

def get_fieldnames(data):
    fieldnames = set()
    for item in data:
    return fieldnames

def main(data):
    fieldnames = get_fieldnames(data)

    with open(RESULT_FILE, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        writer = DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter=',')

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    data_ = [
            'a': '1',
            'b': '2',
            'c': '3',
            'a': '6',
            'd': '1',
            'b': '3',
            'c': '2',
            'e': '1',
            'f': '9',

Now, what I don't like about this:

  • The list might become extremely large (~100k dicts / each dict containing around 10 fields).
  • If the program crashes when the 66666 dict is added to the list, everything is lost and I also don't have any data in the csv. Because I have to wait for all the data to be added to the list to get all the possible headers, I couldn't avoid this scenario.

How can I avoid exporting all the data at once in the csv when the header is dynamic?

As requested, the real data looks like this:

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': 'Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                'ensures smooth performance.',
 'Each': '$ 24.70',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': '(5") Non-Vacuum Disc Pad Vinyl-Face',
 'Product number': '91456106T',
 'Technical specifications': '',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/120/107/6/1201076/1419675_700.jpg'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': '',
 'Each': '$ 8.19',
 'Info': '<p><strong>material: </strong>Cork</p>',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Replacement Plate for MKT9924DB Belt Sander',
 'Product number': 'MKT4230358',
 'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>brand: </strong>Makita</p>',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/116/631/4/1166314/1281513_700.jpg',
 '\xa0': '$ 257.80'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': '',
 'Each': '$ 8.19',
 'Info': '<p><strong>material: </strong>Graphite</p>',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Replacement Plate for MKT9924DB Belt Sander',
 'Product number': 'MKT4230366',
 'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>brand: </strong>Makita</p>',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/MK/T4/23/03/66/MKT4230366/1281514_700.jpg',
 '\xa0': '$ 257.80'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': '- Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                'ensures smooth performance.',
 'Each': '$ 38.47',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Non-Grip Vacuum Pads',
 'Product number': '9154325',
 'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                             'in</p><p><strong>density: '
                             '</strong>Medium</p><p><strong>nap: '
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/54/32/5/9154325/1213330_700.jpg',
 'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/54/32/5/9154325/1213331_700.jpg'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': '- Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                'ensures smooth performance.',
 'Each': '$ 52.92',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Non-Grip Vacuum Pads',
 'Product number': '9154327',
 'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                             'in</p><p><strong>density: '
                             '</strong>Medium</p><p><strong>nap: '
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/105/122/1/1051221/1213328_700.jpg',
 'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/54/32/7/9154327/1213332_700.jpg'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': '- Unique one-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                'ensures smooth performance.',
 'Each': '$ 26.84',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Stick-on Non-Vacuum Pads',
 'Product number': '9156106',
 'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                             'in</p><p><strong>density: </strong>Medium</p>',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/105/122/4/1051224/1213343_700.jpg',
 'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/56/10/6/9156106/1213345_700.jpg'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': '- Unique one-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                'ensures smooth performance.',
 'Each': '$ 51.70',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Stick-on Non-Vacuum Pads',
 'Product number': '9156107',
 'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                             'in</p><p><strong>density: </strong>Medium</p>',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/56/10/7/9156107/1213344_700.jpg',
 'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/56/10/7/9156107/1213346_700.jpg'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
 'Each': '$ 12.36',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
 'Product number': 'PC371K060',
 'Technical specifications': '',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/06/0/PC371K060/1263523_700.jpg',
 '\xa0': '$ 148.18'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
 'Each': '$ 12.36',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
 'Product number': 'PC371K080',
 'Technical specifications': '',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/08/0/PC371K080/1263524_700.jpg',
 '\xa0': '$ 148.18'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
 'Each': '$ 12.36',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
 'Product number': 'PC371K120',
 'Technical specifications': '',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/12/0/PC371K120/1263526_700.jpg',
 '\xa0': '$ 148.18'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
 'Each': '$ 12.36',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
 'Product number': 'PC371K100',
 'Technical specifications': '',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/10/0/PC371K100/1263525_700.jpg',
 '\xa0': '$ 148.18'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': 'Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                'ensures smooth performance.',
 'Each': '$ 25.22',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': '5" Non-Vacuum Disc Pad Hook-Face',
 'Product number': '91454325T',
 'Technical specifications': '',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/120/107/7/1201077/1419678_700.jpg'}

{'Catalog link': '',
 'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
             'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
 'Description': '- Pads mount with screws.',
 'Each': '$ 31.80',
 'Info': '',
 'Line art': '',
 'Name': 'Plates for Non-Vacuum (Grip-On) Dynabug II Disc Pads - 7.62 cm x '
         '10.79 cm (3" x 4-1/4")',
 'Product number': '9156315',
 'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                             'in</p><p><strong>density: </strong>Medium</p>',
 'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/116/625/4/1166254/1280825_700.jpg',
 '\xa0': '$ 179.95'}
like image 244
Cajuu' Avatar asked Jan 03 '23 01:01


2 Answers

Edit-1 26-Dec: Updated code to generate data based on your data

Based on your requirements I would suggest the below

  • Write headers in headers.csv file
  • Write data in a data.csv file
  • When you want to read/send this file, just merge the two files in one
  • At start of your program read the existing headers.csv file and create field to index mapping
  • When you encounter new keys in data you update the header map with a new index and update header.csv
  • While writing dictionary data, you will use the header map to create the row data

Below is a quick/dirty POC of the same and it works well for me

import csv

    f = open("headers.csv", mode="r+", encoding="utf-8")
except FileNotFoundError:
    f = open("headers.csv", mode="w+", encoding="utf-8")

f2 = open("data.csv", mode="a+", encoding="utf-8")
headers = f.readline().strip().split(",")
if headers == ['']:
    headers = []

headers_map = {}

for index, field in enumerate(headers):
    headers_map[field] = index

def update_header_dict(data):
    updated_headers = False
    for key in data.keys():
        if key not in headers_map:
            new_index = len(headers_map)
            headers_map[key] = new_index
            updated_headers = True

    if updated_headers:
        csv.DictWriter(f, headers_map.keys()).writeheader()

def get_row_data_dict(data):
    row_data = [""] * len(headers_map)

    for k, v in data.items():
        # if v and v[0] in ('=', '-'):
        #     # Mark the value as text, only needed if you want to display data in excel
        #     # else should be commented out
        #     v = "'" + v
        row_data[headers_map[k]] = v

    return row_data

def main(data):
    data_writer = csv.writer(f2)
    for row in data:

data_ = [
    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': 'Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                    'ensures smooth performance.',
     'Each': '$ 24.70',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': '(5") Non-Vacuum Disc Pad Vinyl-Face',
     'Product number': '91456106T',
     'Technical specifications': '',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/120/107/6/1201076/1419675_700.jpg'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': '',
     'Each': '$ 8.19',
     'Info': '<p><strong>material: </strong>Cork</p>',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Replacement Plate for MKT9924DB Belt Sander',
     'Product number': 'MKT4230358',
     'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>brand: </strong>Makita</p>',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/116/631/4/1166314/1281513_700.jpg',
     '\xa0': '$ 257.80'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': '',
     'Each': '$ 8.19',
     'Info': '<p><strong>material: </strong>Graphite</p>',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Replacement Plate for MKT9924DB Belt Sander',
     'Product number': 'MKT4230366',
     'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>brand: </strong>Makita</p>',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/MK/T4/23/03/66/MKT4230366/1281514_700.jpg',
     '\xa0': '$ 257.80'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': '- Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                    'ensures smooth performance.',
     'Each': '$ 38.47',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Non-Grip Vacuum Pads',
     'Product number': '9154325',
     'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                                 'in</p><p><strong>density: '
                                 '</strong>Medium</p><p><strong>nap: '
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/54/32/5/9154325/1213330_700.jpg',
     'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/54/32/5/9154325/1213331_700.jpg'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': '- Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                    'ensures smooth performance.',
     'Each': '$ 52.92',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Non-Grip Vacuum Pads',
     'Product number': '9154327',
     'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                                 'in</p><p><strong>density: '
                                 '</strong>Medium</p><p><strong>nap: '
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/105/122/1/1051221/1213328_700.jpg',
     'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/54/32/7/9154327/1213332_700.jpg'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': '- Unique one-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                    'ensures smooth performance.',
     'Each': '$ 26.84',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Stick-on Non-Vacuum Pads',
     'Product number': '9156106',
     'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                                 'in</p><p><strong>density: </strong>Medium</p>',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/105/122/4/1051224/1213343_700.jpg',
     'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/56/10/6/9156106/1213345_700.jpg'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': '- Unique one-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                    'ensures smooth performance.',
     'Each': '$ 51.70',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Stick-on Non-Vacuum Pads',
     'Product number': '9156107',
     'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                                 'in</p><p><strong>density: </strong>Medium</p>',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/56/10/7/9156107/1213344_700.jpg',
     'image_2': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/91/56/10/7/9156107/1213346_700.jpg'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
     'Each': '$ 12.36',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
     'Product number': 'PC371K060',
     'Technical specifications': '',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/06/0/PC371K060/1263523_700.jpg',
     '\xa0': '$ 148.18'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
     'Each': '$ 12.36',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
     'Product number': 'PC371K080',
     'Technical specifications': '',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/08/0/PC371K080/1263524_700.jpg',
     '\xa0': '$ 148.18'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
     'Each': '$ 12.36',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
     'Product number': 'PC371K120',
     'Technical specifications': '',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/12/0/PC371K120/1263526_700.jpg',
     '\xa0': '$ 148.18'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': 'Size: 2-1/2" x 14".',
     'Each': '$ 12.36',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Sandpaper Belt 2½ " x 14" for Compact Belt Sander PC371 or PC371K',
     'Product number': 'PC371K100',
     'Technical specifications': '',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsPr/PC/37/1K/10/0/PC371K100/1263525_700.jpg',
     '\xa0': '$ 148.18'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': 'Exclusive single-piece hub design reduces pad vibration and '
                    'ensures smooth performance.',
     'Each': '$ 25.22',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': '5" Non-Vacuum Disc Pad Hook-Face',
     'Product number': '91454325T',
     'Technical specifications': '',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/120/107/7/1201077/1419678_700.jpg'},

    {'Catalog link': '',
     'Category': 'Tools and Shop Supplies / Workshop Accessories / Tool '
                 'Accessories / Sander Accessories',
     'Description': '- Pads mount with screws.',
     'Each': '$ 31.80',
     'Info': '',
     'Line art': '',
     'Name': 'Plates for Non-Vacuum (Grip-On) Dynabug II Disc Pads - 7.62 cm x '
             '10.79 cm (3" x 4-1/4")',
     'Product number': '9156315',
     'Technical specifications': '<p><strong>thickness: </strong>3/8 '
                                 'in</p><p><strong>density: </strong>Medium</p>',
     'image_1': 'https://www.richelieu.com/documents/docsGr/116/625/4/1166254/1280825_700.jpg',
     '\xa0': '$ 179.95'}

data2_ = [
        'a': '2',
        'f': '1',
        'z': '9',

# main(data2_)


Running above generates two files and then i run below on terminal

cat headers.csv data.csv > output.csv

And then open output.csv in excel

Excel Data

The only issue you may see is #NAME?, but those are because excel is trying to process the - you had at the start of the text. If you to process text like that you need to uncomment the below part of the code

    # if v and v[0] in ('=', '-'):
    #     # Mark the value as text, only needed if you want to display data in excel
    #     # else should be commented out
    #     v = "'" + v
like image 143
Tarun Lalwani Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 16:01

Tarun Lalwani

Temporary Saving Data

Since your data comes from scraping, it may be considered a stream. To mimic a stream, I use data_.pop()to get one item at a time. The following solution adds each item ones it comes form the stream. The header and body of the csv are stored in different files. The header potentially grows in length over time. The the rows you saved before such a growth step naturally cannot know this growth and therefore may be missing some trailing commas to indicate missing items.

import csv
import os

class StreamCSV:  # Python 3
    def __init__(self, header_file_name, body_file_name):
        self.header_file_name = header_file_name
        self.fbody = open(body_file_name, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8')
        self.csv_body = csv.writer(self.fbody)

    def add_item(self, item):
        if os.path.exists(self.header_file_name):
            with open(self.header_file_name, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fobj:
                reader = csv.reader(fobj)
                    current_header = next(reader)
                except StopIteration:
                    current_header = []
            current_header = []
        header_set = set(current_header)
        for key in item:
            if key not in header_set:
        if len(header_set) < len(current_header):
            with open(self.header_file_name, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fobj:
                writer = csv.writer(fobj)
        item_data = [item.get(head, '') for head in current_header]
        self.fbody.flush()  # allows peeing into the file

if __name__ == '__main__':

    data_ = [
            'a': '1',
            'b': '2',
            'c': '3',
            'a': '6',
            'd': '1',
            'b': '3',
            'c': '2',
            'e': '1',
            'f': '9',

    def show_saved(file_names):
        for name in file_names:
            with open(name) as fobj:

    header_file_name, body_file_name = 'header.csv', 'body.csv'
    stream_writer = StreamCSV(header_file_name, body_file_name)

    for x in range(1, 4):
        print('step:', x)
        show_saved([header_file_name, body_file_name])

Output that shows the growth over time:

step: 1


step: 2


step: 3


Merging final results

You might want to merge header and body in an additional step, adding such missing trailing commas.

def merge_header_body(header_file_name, body_file_name, out_file_name):
    with open(header_file_name, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fobj:
        reader = csv.reader(fobj)
        header = next(reader)

    with open(out_file_name, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fobj_out, \
    open(body_file_name, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fobj_in:
        reader = csv.reader(fobj_in)
        writer = csv.writer(fobj_out)
        target_length = len(header)
        for row in reader:
            diff = target_length - len(row)
            row.extend([''] * diff)

out_file_name = 'merged.csv'
merge_header_body(header_file_name, body_file_name, out_file_name)

Content of merged.csv:


Crash Recovery

If the program crashes in between, it will resume. Let's take the same data as before and add more rows:

for x in range(1, 4):
    print('step:', x)
    show_saved([header_file_name, body_file_name])


step: 1


step: 2


step: 3

like image 28
Mike Müller Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 15:01

Mike Müller