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Average UDP packet loss and packet re-ordering

I'd like to garner fellow SO'ers experience with regards to the issue of UDP packet loss (or drop-out).

Initially my understanding is that given direct point to point connections where the NICs are connected via a crossover cable and ample buffer on the NICs and timely processing of said buffers, that there 'should' be no packet loss or packet ordering issues. I believe this is also the case given one good/high-end switch in between the points.

  1. Excluding the above scenario, what is the expected average UDP packet loss over a LAN

  2. What scenarios cause UDP packet ordering issues?

like image 681
Sami Kenjat Avatar asked May 16 '11 23:05

Sami Kenjat

People also ask

What is acceptable UDP packet loss?

Acceptable packet loss Losses between 5% and 10% of the total packet stream will affect the quality significantly." Another described less than 1% packet loss as "good" for streaming audio or video, and 1–2.5% as "acceptable".

How often do UDP packets get lost?

At most, only two packets are lost successively. However, in the TCP synchronization case, packet losses occur successively and very often. In some cases, 4 packets are lost successively. This means the congestion caused by TCP synchronization is not resolved for a duration in which UDP transmits 4 packets.

Will UDP resend a dropped packet?

The UDP does not require a connection, and it will not resend data packets if there are errors. UDP's data transmission time is much faster because UDP is connectionless, making it better suited for industries like VoIP and video games. For more information on packet loss in TCP vs.

Can UDP reorder packets?

Does UDP perform packet re-ordering at the destination? No. UDP datagrams are transported to and received by the destination (application) as is. If their order is changed during transport they arrive out of order.

2 Answers

No idea on the UDP packetloss on average LANs. I assume reasonably low on modern switched networks, otherwise your LAN or endpoints are too highly loaded. :)

The re-ordering is probably easiest to achieve when routes are brought up and down; say, one of the switches in your organization is under enough load that re-organizing the tree makes sense and traffic is sent through different switches. More likely is your ISP's peers coming and going, or reaching traffic limits, and the priority of packets through them changes -- old packets were in flight on the heavy-loaded network, new packets are in flight on the lighter-loaded network, and they arrive out of order.

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sarnold Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11


I too am looking for an expected average. I found that from a direct link (PC to PC) packet loss occurs very rarely, although it definitely occurs. Availability was something like 99.9% at 1 kB packets @ 50 Hz.

I have seen reordering just by sending and receiving on the same network interface. I concluded that this occurs because each packet is handled asynchronously so that there is a chance of a newly arrived packet being processed before packets received prior to the newly received one.

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kasperhj Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11
