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Average posts per hour on MySQL?

I have a number of posts saved into a InnoDB table on MySQL. The table has the columns "id", "date", "user", "content". I wanted to make some statistic graphs, so I ended up using the following query to get the amount of posts per hour of yesterday:

SELECT HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`date`)) AS `hour`, COUNT(date)  from fb_posts 

This outputs the following data:

table data

I can edit this query to get any day I want. But what I want now is the AVERAGE of each hour of every day, so that if on Day 1 at 00 hours I have 20 posts and on Day 2 at 00 hours I have 40, I want the output to be "30". I'd like to be able to pick date periods as well if it's possible.

Thanks in advance!

like image 757
Daniel Sorichetti Avatar asked May 24 '12 14:05

Daniel Sorichetti

1 Answers

You can use a sub-query to group the data by day/hour, then take the average by hour across the sub-query.

Here's an example to give you the average count by hour for the past 7 days:

select the_hour,avg(the_count)
  select date(from_unixtime(`date`)) as the_day,
    hour(from_unixtime(`date`)) as the_hour, 
    count(*) as the_count
  from fb_posts
  where `date` >= unix_timestamp(current_date() - interval 7 day)
  and created_on < unix_timestamp(current_date())
  group by the_day,the_hour
) s
group by the_hour
like image 111
Ike Walker Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10

Ike Walker