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ava: Logs generated outside tests are not shown in the console



My problem

ava logging (t.log) only work inside a test, but not during setup (before, beforeEach) or teardown (after*) functions.

This means that meaningful setup / teardown data, which is very useful for debugging and reproducing, is lost. This happens both for successful and failed tests, and with and without the --verbose flag.


import test from 'ava';

test.before(t => {
    // This runs before all tests
    t.log('before - 1');

test.before(t => {
    // This runs after the above, but before tests
    t.log('before - 2');

test.after('cleanup', t => {
    // This runs after all tests

test.after.always('guaranteed cleanup', t => {
    // This will always run, regardless of earlier failures
    t.log('after always');

test.beforeEach(t => {
    // This runs before each test

test.afterEach(t => {
    // This runs after each test

test.afterEach.always(t => {
    // This runs after each test and other test hooks, even if they failed

test(t => {
    t.log('A test');

test(t => {
    t.log('A test');


$ ava run.js --verbose

  ✔ [anonymous]
    ℹ A test
  ✖ [anonymous] Test failed via `t.fail()`
    ℹ A test

  1 test failed [00:22:08]

    ℹ A test


   45:     t.log('A test');
   46:     t.fail();
   47: });

  Test failed via `t.fail()`

Note that only the printouts from the test (A test) are show. All other logs are lost.

My question

How can I see the logs from the setup and teardown steps of the test suite?

like image 582
Adam Matan Avatar asked Sep 24 '17 21:09

Adam Matan

Video Answer

1 Answers

Could you open an issue for this? https://github.com/avajs/ava/issues

I agree this should work.

like image 87
Mark Wubben Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10

Mark Wubben