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AutoSuggestBox not showing results

I'm having trouble displaying the results in the AutoSuggestBox on Windows Phone 8.1. I'm using MVVM Light to bind my itemsource to the Autosuggestbox.

<AutoSuggestBox Header="Van" Text="{Binding SearchTextFrom, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding suggestionFrom}">
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding description}"/>
                <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="TextChanged">
                    <core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding SearchChangedFrom}">

My ViewModel

private RelayCommand _SearchChangedFrom;
        public RelayCommand SearchChangedFrom
                return _SearchChangedFrom ?? (_SearchChangedFrom = new RelayCommand(
                    async () =>
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.countrycode))
                            Debug.WriteLine("Could not autocomplete the country because there was no country code provided.");

                        var predictions = await _Service.GetGoogleMapsSuggestionFromQuery(user.countrycode, SearchTextFrom);
                        suggestionFrom = predictions;

private List<Prediction> _suggestionFrom;
        public List<Prediction> suggestionFrom
            get { return _suggestionFrom; }
                Set<List<Prediction>>(() => suggestionFrom, ref _suggestionFrom, value);
                Debug.WriteLine(suggestionFrom.Count + " were received. Displayong them in the autosuggestbox");
                foreach (Prediction prediction in _suggestionFrom)
                    Debug.WriteLine(("Predicition: " + prediction.description));

The objects are set and are not null.

enter image description here

So why don't they show up?


 public class Prediction : ObservableObject
        private string _description;
        public string description
            get { return _description; }
            set{Set<string>(() => description, ref _description, value);}

        private string _id;

        public string id
            get { return _id; } 
            set { Set<string>(() => id, ref _id, value); }

        private List<MatchedSubstring> _matchedSubstrings;
        public List<MatchedSubstring> matched_substrings
            get { return _matchedSubstrings; }
            set{Set<List<MatchedSubstring>>(() => matched_substrings, ref _matchedSubstrings, value);}

        private string _place_id;

        public string place_id
            get { return _place_id; } 
            set { Set<string>(() => place_id, ref _place_id, value); }

        private string _reference;
        public string reference
            get { return _reference; }
            set { Set<string>(() => reference, ref _reference, value); }

        private List<Term> _terms;

        public List<Term> terms
            get { return _terms; }
            set { Set<List<Term>>(() => terms, ref _terms, value); }

        private List<string> _types;
        public List<string> types
            get { return _types; }
            set { Set<List<String>>(() => types, ref _types, value); }

        public override string ToString()
            return this.description;
like image 749
timr Avatar asked Mar 11 '15 13:03


1 Answers


 public ObservableCollection<Prediction> SuggestionFrom { get; set; }


public List<Prediction> SuggestionFrom { get; set; }

ObservableCollection is notify user interface about any changes of your Predictions (add or delete)

like image 197
Boris Salimov Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Boris Salimov