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Automation of Xcode project for iOS [closed]

I did 4 iphone application for different different categories of industry. Now I want to make more application for same category. So I want to know about how to make an iPhone project using any other scripting .. eg.. applescrippting, command line tool etc. I also want to know about:

  1. how to create new project using scripting?
  2. how to copy file of other project in new project?
  3. how to compile and make .ipa file using scripting.

Please any scripting guru and other iOS developer help me to know about this.

Can any one help me to create same project using scripting with different name

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jayraj m.g. Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 09:02

jayraj m.g.

1 Answers

If you'd like to make the 'same project' but with a different name, why not set up a new Target in Xcode.

  • Click your projects header
  • Click on Add Target in the pane on the right

This will allow you to build and archive a different App, but keeping the same codebase. This way you do not need to worry about having duplicate code sets. NB: If you want each App to perform different functions then this isn't the best approach, but judging by your final line this is probably the right approach to suggest.

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Sammio2 Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 15:02
