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Automating Telnet with PowerShell

How can I write a PowerShell script to automate this set of commands?

  • Telnet to a machine,
  • execute few commands,
  • analyze at the output in the telnet window,
  • based on that output, send few more commands
like image 855
Guru Je Avatar asked Apr 13 '10 23:04

Guru Je

People also ask

Can I use PowerShell to Telnet?

Start the Telnet clientThe telnet client can be used out of the box in the PowerShell window by entering the telnet command.

What is Telnet in PowerShell?

by shelladmin. Telnet protocol is used to establish a remote connection to remote computer. Telnet provides access to a command-line interface on remote computer. Because of security concerns, Telnet client feature disabled by default on all version of Windows operating system.

2 Answers

Rather than try to automate a telnet executable, just create the socket and issue the commands, read them back, and make decisions based on that. Here is an oversimplified example connecting to my local web server:

function test() {
  $msg = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("GET / HTTP/1.0`r`nHost: localhost`r`n`r`n")
  $c = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient("localhost", 80)
  $str = $c.GetStream()
  $str.Write($msg, 0, $msg.Length)
  $buf = New-Object System.Byte[] 4096
  $count = $str.Read($buf, 0, 4096)
  [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($buf, 0, $count)

Obviously you would need to change it from port 80, and pass a username/password instead of a web request header... but this should be enough to get you started.

like image 22
Goyuix Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 15:10


Ok this isn't the most elegant solution, and it does rely on shudder VBscript but here it goes...

Create a VBScript to actually expedite the telnet session, this is an example

set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 1000
oShell.SendKeys("Open 23")
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000
WScript.Sleep 1000

Then use Powershell to invoke that script and pass it the commands you want executing, in the example below these commands are stored in a file called CommandList.txt

function Connect-MyTelnet{
 [string] $IPAddress,
 [string] $Port,
 [string] $UserName,
 [string] $Password,
 [string] $cmdlistPath
    ## - Setting default values:
    if($port -eq $null){ $Port = "23"; };
    if($cmdlistPath -eq $null) { $CmdlistPath = 'c:\temp\cmdlist.txt'; };

    ## create vbscript file: MyTelnetSession.vbs
    ## - For Microsoft Telnet:
    $MyVBScript = @"
                   set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   oShell.SendKeys("Open $IPAddress $Port")`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n
                   WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n

    ## - Get file with telnet commands:
    [array] $Cmdlist = Get-Content $cmdlistPath;

    ## loop through and build each telnet command line:
    foreach($cmd in $cmdlist)
        ## - Build VBscript lines:
        $MyVBScript += 'oShell.SendKeys("'+$cmd+'")'+"`r`n";
        $MyVBScript += "WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n";
        $MyVBScript += 'oShell.SendKeys("{Enter}")'+"`r`n";
        $MyVBScript += 'WScript.Sleep 1000'+"`r`n";

    ## - Close Telnet Session:
        $MyVBScript += 'oShell.SendKeys("  QUIT")'+"`r`n";
        $MyVBScript += "WScript.Sleep 1000`r`n";
        $MyVBScript += 'oShell.SendKeys("{Enter}")'+"`r`n";
        $MyVBScript += 'WScript.Sleep 1000'+"`r`n";

    ## - Save and execute generated VBscript:
    $MYVBScript | Out-File -FilePath c:\temp\MyTelnet.vbs -Encoding ASCII;
    & c:\temp\MyTelnet.vbs
}; Set-Alias ct Connect-MyTelnet;

And that should do what you are asking...

Note: Not my solution, found from this blog post and I have made use of it once or twice.

like image 131
RAGNO Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 16:10