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Automatically saving interactive graph in R to a specified location as a .html file



I am using threejs library in R.

  z <- seq(-10, 10, 0.01)
  x <- cos(z)
  y <- sin(z)
scatterplot3js(x,y,z, color=rainbow(length(z)))

I need to save the interactive plot created by above commands as a.html file in a specified folder without using the drop down (in Rstudio) under viwer -> export which "save as web page".

Is there any R code for this?

like image 355
Artiga Avatar asked Oct 19 '15 10:10


People also ask

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Any figure can be saved as an HTML file using the write_html method. These HTML files can be opened in any web browser to access the fully interactive figure.

What is the procedure to save graphs in R?

Plots panel –> Export –> Save as Image or Save as PDF It's also possible to save the graph using R codes as follow: Specify files to save your image using a function such as jpeg(), png(), svg() or pdf(). Additional argument indicating the width and the height of the image can be also used. Create the plot.

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To share a plot from the Chart Studio Workspace, click 'Share' button on the left-hand side after saving the plot. The Share modal will pop-up and display a link under the 'Embed' tab. You can then copy and paste this link to your website. You have the option of embedding your plot as an HTML snippet or iframe.

1 Answers

Using htmlwidgets package you can do...


dir.create("Z:\\new folder")

saveWidget(scatterplot3js(x,y,z, color=rainbow(length(z))), 
           file="Z:\\new folder\\scatterplot.html")
like image 76
Gaurav Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
