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Automatically figuring out function name in f#

If I have a function that is part of a module, and I want a log entry while inside the function,I have to manually print the function namespace and name e.g.

namespace MyModuleNamespace
 module MyModule = 
 let AddTwoNums logger x y =
    logger.Info("MyModuleNamespace.AddTwoNums - Start")
    let res = x+y
    logger.Info("MyModuleNamespace.AddTwoNums - End")

Is there any way I can automatically work out what "MyModuleNamespace.AddTwoNums" is as it is very cumbersome/error prone especially when you have to rename functions and modules during refactoring of code

Even if that cannot be done, is there any way I can automatically work out what "AddTwoNums" is i.e. the function name?

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bstack Avatar asked Sep 28 '18 11:09


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2 Answers

There are a couple ways to do this, and I'm not sure which would be the best one for your scenario. One way that I've used in the past is to get the information from the stack trace:

let stackTrace = StackTrace()
let topFrame = stackTrace.GetFrame(0)
let currentFunction = topFrame.GetMethod()
printfn "%s.%s" currentFunction.DeclaringType.Name currentFunction.Name

In order to keep from having to put these lines in every function, you can make an inline function that does this, which will give you the name of the calling function due to the inlining.

let inline getCurrentFunction () =
    let stackTrace = StackTrace()
    let topFrame = stackTrace.GetFrame(0)
    let currentFunction = topFrame.GetMethod()
    sprintf "%s.%s" currentFunction.DeclaringType.Name currentFunction.Name
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Aaron M. Eshbach Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10

Aaron M. Eshbach

If you don't need the actual namespace / module name or are willing to replace that with the file name, there are special attributes that instruct the compiler to supply corresponding arguments to a function:

open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

type Logger =
    static member Trace(
                        msg: string,
                        [<CallerMemberName>] ?memberName: string,
                        [<CallerFilePath>] ?path: string,
                        [<CallerLineNumberAttribute>] ?line: int) =
        printfn "%s from %s.%s on line %i" msg path.Value memberName.Value line.Value

module Foo =
    let bar() =

// hello from c:\path\to\Logging.fsx.bar on line 32

MS Docs has more to say about Caller Information.

Note that when your run this from within fsi, the line number is only accurate the first time.

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CaringDev Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 14:10
