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Automatically expand all in Eclipse Search results




I usually want to have all the search results (from ctrl-H) fully expanded, but only the first leaf node is expanded by default.

What I end up doing is clicking the "Expand All" button in the Search view but this is tedious.

Is there a way to automatically have results fully expanded?

like image 403
prismaticorb Avatar asked May 11 '12 14:05


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1 Answers

No but you can use the keyboard shortcuts of your OS. On Linux, use Nk* (* on the numpad) to expand the current node and all children.

Windows user can use Shift+Nk*

On the Mac, select all nodes with Command+A and then expand them with Command+Right Arrow

like image 141
Aaron Digulla Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Aaron Digulla