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Automatic Type Conversion with extension: What is happening here?



I'm going through the first chapter of The Swift Programming Language book and I'm at the part where it's describing the extension keyword.

I had a go at the "Experiment":

“Write an extension for the Double type that adds an absoluteValue property.”

I got it working like this:

extension Double {
    var absoluteValue: Double {
        if(self < 0) {
            return self * -1

        return self

(-10.5).absoluteValue    // 10.5

But it also seems to work for integers:

(-4).absoluteValue       // 4.0

What is happening here? Is the compiler changing the type from Int to Double because it sees that there is a absoluteValue extension on Double but not Int?

This appears to be the case because if I add another extension of the same name on Int like so:

extension Int {
    var absoluteValue: Int {
        return 42

That overrides the extension on Double. And (-4).absoluteValue returns 42

Is there a way to add an extension that only works on Doubles but not Ints?

Edit: Looks like it's doing a conversion at compile-time and since I didn't define a type for my literal it converted it. The following produces an error

var i:Int = -4;

"Playground execution failed: error: :12:1: error: 'Int' does not have a member named 'absoluteValue' i.absoluteValue ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Edit 2: It appears to only apply to literals; the following also produces an error:

var i = -4;
like image 928
Brad Dwyer Avatar asked Jun 02 '14 22:06

Brad Dwyer

1 Answers

Yes, the extension you wrote is actually only for Doubles, not for Ints. Take a look at this example:

extension Double {
    var absoluteValue: Double {
        if (self < 0) {
            return self * -1

        return self

var double: Int = 10
double.absoluteValue // Int does not have a member named absoluteValue

But, in your code the compiler is implicitly converting your Int to a Double.

like image 166
Leandros Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
