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Automapper says Mapper.Map is obsolete, global mappings?




I had defined in my project a global Automapper configuration that would allow me to use Mapper.Map<targetType>(sourceObject); in my code. (See my configuration below.)

I updated the NuGet package, and I see the message that Mapper.Map is obsolete/depreciated. I went back to Automapper on GitHub and see examples like this:

[Test] public void Example() {     var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>     {         cfg.CreateMap<Source1, SubDest1>().FixRootDest();         cfg.CreateMap<Source2, SubDest2>().FixRootDest();     });      config.AssertConfigurationIsValid();      var mapper = config.CreateMapper();      var subDest1 = mapper.Map<Source1, SubDest1>(new Source1 {SomeValue = "Value1"});     var subDest2 = mapper.Map<Source2, SubDest2>(new Source2 {SomeOtherValue = "Value2"});      subDest1.SomeValue.ShouldEqual("Value1");     subDest2.SomeOtherValue.ShouldEqual("Value2"); } 

Am I going to have to create a configuration in EVERY method that uses a mapping?

My current global configuration:

namespace PublicationSystem.App_Start {     public class AutoMapperConfig     {         public static void CreateMaps()         {             CreateProjectMaps();         }          private static void CreateProjectMaps()         {             Mapper.CreateMap<Project, ProjectCreate>();             Mapper.CreateMap<Project, ProjectSelectable>();             //...         }     } } 

UPDATE: Thanks to some coaching from Scott Chamberlain I have created a class like this:

    public class MkpMapperProfile : AutoMapper.Profile     {         protected override void Configure()          {             this.CreateMap<Project, ProjectCreate>();              this.CreateMap<Project, ProjectSelectable>();              this.CreateMap<Project, ProjectDetails>();              // Many Many other maps         }     } 

I'm thinking I should have the 'MapperConfiguration' in my BaseController class. I started to do something like this:

public partial class BaseController : Controller {      private MapperConfiguration mapConfig;      public BaseController()     {         db = new MkpContext();         SetMapperConfig();     }      private void SetMapperConfig()     {         mapConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>             {                 cfg.AddProfile<MkpMapperProfile>();             });     }      public BaseController(MapperConfiguration config)     {         db = new MkpContext();         this.mapConfig = config;     } } 

Am I on the right track?

like image 598
M Kenyon II Avatar asked Feb 12 '16 19:02

M Kenyon II

People also ask

What can I use instead of AutoMapper?

Mapster is an emerging alternative to AutoMapper which was first published in 2015 and has over 7.4 million NuGet package downloads. Although the download count is nowhere near AutoMapper, it promises better performance and a lower memory footprint than other mapping libraries.

Does AutoMapper work with .NET core?

We can use AutoMapper in the same manner in the ASP.NET Core Web API project as well, the implementation is the same just we wouldn't map to the view models but, for example, our DTO classes.

2 Answers

This is how I've handled it.

Create maps in a Profile, taking care to use the Profile's CreateMap method rather than Mapper's static method of the same name:

internal class MappingProfile : Profile {     protected override void Configure()     {         CreateMap<Project, ProjectCreate>();     } } 

Then, wherever dependencies are wired-up (ex: Global.asax or Startup), create a MapperConfiguration and then use it to create an IMapper.

var mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>     {         cfg.AddProfile(new MappingProfile());     }); 

Then, use the configuration to generate an IMapper:

var mapper = mapperConfiguration.CreateMapper(); 

Then, register that mapper with the dependency builder (I'm using Autofac here)


Now, wherever you need to map stuff, declare a dependency on IMapper:

internal class ProjectService : IProjectService {     private readonly IMapper _mapper;     public ProjectService(IMapper mapper) {          _mapper = mapper;     }     public ProjectCreate Get(string key) {         var project = GetProjectSomehow(key);         return _mapper.Map<Project, ProjectCreate>(project);     } } 
like image 108
Romi Petrelis Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Romi Petrelis

I'm using version 5.2.0, support to create maps in constructors instead of override configure.

public class MappingProfile : Profile {     public MappingProfile()     {         CreateMap<Project, ProjectDto>();     } } 

In Global.asax.cs call like:


Hope this help.

like image 44
zquanghoangz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
