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AutoMapper - one to many mapping




I am having problems in mapping one source object with a nested list to multiple destination objects. As of project restrictions I can only adapt parts of the code. I am using AutoMapper 5.1.

/// no changes possible
namespace Source
    class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public List<Car> Cars { get; set; }

        public Person()
            Cars = new List<Car>();

    class Car
        public string NumberPlate { get; set; }

/// no changes possible
namespace Destination
    class PersonCar
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string NumberPlate { get; set; }

/// Demo Consolen Application
static void Main(string[] args)
    #region init data
    Person person = new Person();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        person.Cars.Add(new Source.Car() { NumberPlate = "W-100" + i });

    /// goal is to map from one person object o a list of PersonCars            
        cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Person, List<PersonCar>>()
            /// this part does not work - and currently I am stuck here
            .ForMember(p => 
                List<PersonCar> personCars = new List<PersonCar>();

                foreach (Car car in p.Cars)
                    PersonCar personCar = new PersonCar();
                    personCar.Name = p.Name;
                    personCar.NumberPlate = car.NumberPlate;
                return personCars;

    // no changes possible
    List<PersonCar> result = Mapper.Map<Person, List<PersonCar>>(person);


Right now I am stuck on defining a proper mapping for this problem. Although I did a (ugly!!) mapping at workt (left code there .. facepalm ) I am sure there must be a simple solution for this problem.

Any help would be appreciated!

like image 948
Pilgerstorfer Franz Avatar asked Oct 01 '16 08:10

Pilgerstorfer Franz

People also ask

Is AutoMapper faster than manual mapping?

Automapper is considerably faster when mapping a List<T> of objects on . NET Core (It's still slower on full . NET Framework).

When should you not use AutoMapper?

If you have to do complex mapping behavior, it might be better to avoid using AutoMapper for that scenario. Reverse mapping can get very complicated very quickly, and unless it's very simple, you can have business logic showing up in mapping configuration.

Should AutoMapper be Singleton?

Your configuration (e.g. Automapper Profiles) are singletons. That is, they are only ever loaded once when your project runs. This makes sense since your configurations will not change while the application is running.

1 Answers

You can use the .ConstructProjectionUsing method, in order to supply a projection of the entity you desire.

Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
    cfg.CreateMap<Person, List<PersonCar>>()
            p =>
                p.Cars.Select(c => new PersonCar { Name = p.Name, NumberPlate = c.NumberPlate })
like image 197
Orel Eraki Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Orel Eraki