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Automapper - how to map to constructor parameters instead of property setters

People also ask

Does AutoMapper call constructor?

At the time of writing this answer, AutoMapper will do this automatically (with a simple CreateMap<>() call) for you if the properties match the constructor parameters.

How do I ignore properties in AutoMapper?

If you want some of the properties not to map with the destination type property then you need to use the AutoMapper Ignore Property in C#. Note: If some of the properties are not available in the destination type, then the AutoMapper will not throw any exception when doing the mapping.

Does AutoMapper map both ways?

Yes, or you can call CreateMap<ModelClass, ViewModelClass>(). ReverseMap() .

Does AutoMapper map private fields?

AutoMapper will map property with private setter with no problem. If you want to force encapsulation, you need to use IgnoreAllPropertiesWithAnInaccessibleSetter. With this option, all private properties (and other inaccessible) will be ignored.

Use ConstructUsing

this will allow you to specify which constructor to use during the mapping. but then all of the other properties will be automatically mapped according to the conventions.

Also note that this is different from ConvertUsing in that convert using will not continue to map via the conventions, it will instead give you full control of the mapping.

Mapper.CreateMap<ObjectFrom, ObjectTo>()
    .ConstructUsing(x => new ObjectTo(arg0, arg1, etc));


using AutoMapper;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace UnitTests
    public class Tester
        public void Test_ConstructUsing()
            Mapper.CreateMap<ObjectFrom, ObjectTo>()
                .ConstructUsing(x => new ObjectTo(x.Name));

            var from = new ObjectFrom { Name = "Jon", Age = 25 };

            ObjectTo to = Mapper.Map<ObjectFrom, ObjectTo>(from);

            Assert.That(to.Name, Is.EqualTo(from.Name));
            Assert.That(to.Age, Is.EqualTo(from.Age));

    public class ObjectFrom
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }

    public class ObjectTo
        private readonly string _name;

        public ObjectTo(string name)
            _name = name;

        public string Name
            get { return _name; }

        public int Age { get; set; }

The best practice is to use documented approaches from AutoMapper http://docs.automapper.org/en/stable/Construction.html

public class SourceDto
        public SourceDto(int valueParamSomeOtherName)
            Value = valueParamSomeOtherName;

        public int Value { get; }

Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Source, SourceDto>()
    opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Value)

You should use the Map method that lets you set the destination. For example :

Mapper.CreateMap<ObjectFrom, ObjectTo>()

var from = new ObjectFrom { Name = "Jon", Age = 25 };

var to = Mapper.Map(from, new ObjectTo(param1));

At the time of writing this answer, AutoMapper will do this automatically (with a simple CreateMap<>() call) for you if the properties match the constructor parameters. Of course, if things don't match up, then using .ConstructUsing(...) is the way to go.

public class PersonViewModel
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

public class Person
    public Person (int id, string name)
        Id = id;
        Name = name;

    public int Id { get; }

    public string Name { get; }

public class PersonProfile : Profile
    public PersonProfile()
        CreateMap<PersonViewModel, Person>();

Note: This assumes you are using Profiles to setup your automapper mappings.

When used like below, this produces the correct object:

var model = new PersonViewModel
    Id = 1
    Name = "John Smith"

// will correctly call the (id, name) constructor of Person

You can read more about automapper construction in the offical wiki on GitHub