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AutoMapper and interface typed collections

I'm new to AutoMapper. Sorry if this is too simple.

This is my sample domain:

I have a Basket. It contains a list of Food. Food is either Banana or Pickle.

I have DTOs that mirror each class in the domain. The goal: from a BasketDto, map it and its contents to a Basket.

This is code that fails. After the last line I have a Basket, but it's filled with DTOs instead of regular entities :(

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Mapper.CreateMap<BasketDto, Basket>();
        Mapper.CreateMap<PickleDto, Pickle>();
        Mapper.CreateMap<BananaDto, Banana>();

        var dto = new BasketDto
                      Food = new List<IFood>
                                 new PickleDto { Name = "BigPickle" },
                                 new BananaDto { Name = "SmallBanana" },

        var basketFromDto = Mapper.Map<Basket>(dto);

// Domain classes and interfaces --------------

interface IFood
    string Name { get; set; }

class Banana : IFood
    public string Name { get; set; }

class Pickle : IFood
    public string Name { get; set; }

class Basket
    public IList<IFood> Food { get; set; }

// DTOs -------------

class BasketDto
    public IList<IFood> Food { get; set; }

class PickleDto : IFood
    public string Name { get; set; }

class BananaDto : IFood
    public string Name { get; set; }

What should I do to Map also the Children using Food as a IList? Mappin interfaces and hierarchies is really complex!

Thanks a lot.

like image 257
SuperJMN Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 10:12


2 Answers

While @Mightymuke's answer is correct based on the original question, there is something else to be considered. From OOP stand point, interfaces describe behavior, and IFood in the example is not a behavior. Using a base Food class, and the build-in inheritance mapping in Automapper, it's more natural:

namespace Stackoverflow
    public class Food
        public virtual string Name { get; set; }

    public class Banana : Food

    public class Pickle : Food

    public class Basket
        public IList<Food> Food { get; set; }

    public class FoodDto
        public virtual string Name { get; set; }

    public class BananaDto : FoodDto

    public class PickleDto : FoodDto

    public class BasketDto
        public IList<FoodDto> Food { get; set; }

    public class InheritanceMappingTests
        public void Should_map_inherited_classes()
            var basketDto = new BasketDto
                    Food = new List<FoodDto>
                            new BananaDto {Name = "banana"},
                            new PickleDto {Name = "pickle"}

            Mapper.CreateMap<FoodDto, Food>()
                  .Include<BananaDto, Banana>()
                  .Include<PickleDto, Pickle>();
            Mapper.CreateMap<BananaDto, Banana>();
            Mapper.CreateMap<PickleDto, Pickle>();
            Mapper.CreateMap<BasketDto, Basket>();


            var basket = Mapper.Map<Basket>(basketDto);

            Assert.That(basket.Food[0].GetType() == typeof(Banana));
            Assert.That(basket.Food[0].Name == "banana");
            Assert.That(basket.Food[1].GetType() == typeof(Pickle));
            Assert.That(basket.Food[1].Name == "pickle");
like image 118
Sunny Milenov Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 19:01

Sunny Milenov

The problem here is that AutoMapper doesn't know how you want it converted. All the Food items derive from IFood, so the mapping its performing is the simplest (and is correct). You can force the appropriate mapping by creating a TypeConverter - something like this might work:

public class FoodConverter : TypeConverter<IFood, IFood>
    protected override IFood ConvertCore(IFood source)
        if (source is PickleDto) return Mapper.Map<Pickle>(source);
        if (source is BananaDto) return Mapper.Map<Banana>(source);
        return null;

This can be configured in your mapping like this:

Mapper.CreateMap<IFood, IFood>().ConvertUsing<FoodConverter>();

Personally I would take it a little further have have the DTO food items derive from:

interface IFoodDto
    string Name { get; set; }

This will make your intention a little clearer to AutoMapper.

Finally, dont forget to call AssertConfigurationIsValid in your mapping.

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Mightymuke Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 19:01
