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Autohotkey: Paste/write a simple line of text with a keyboard shortcut?



This is a super simple thing I am trying to get my head around

I want to use something like WINKEY + ALT + C to paste ** - words** so that I can sign-off my posts or whatever using the three-key combo

like image 634
user3045055 Avatar asked Nov 28 '13 08:11


People also ask

How do you write a hotkey?

To assign a new keyboard shortcut to a particular command, do the following: Position your cursor in the Press New Shortcut Key. Enter the combination of keys you want to assign to your new shortcut by pressing them in order. Begin your shortcut with either CTRL, ⌘ (if you're on a Mac), or a Function key.

What is the use of hotkey?

A hot key is a key or a combination of keys on a computer keyboard that, when pressed at one time, performs a task (such as starting an application) more quickly than by using a mouse or other input device. Hot keys are sometimes called shortcut keys. Hot keys are supported by many operating system and applications.

What is a hotkey script?

AutoHotkey scripts can be used to launch programs, open documents, and emulate keystrokes or mouse clicks and movements. AutoHotkey scripts can also assign, retrieve, and manipulate variables, run loops and manipulate windows, files, and folders.

1 Answers

Not sure what exactly you want, maybe something like this?

Press WINKEY + ALT + C to paste the clipboard contents:

  SendInput, ^v

Press WINKEY + ALT + C to paste "Some random text"

  SendInput, Some random text
like image 149
Forivin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
