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Autohotkey - How to adjust volume only of a specific program?



I want to control volume of a specific program and not the whole master volume.

I found THIS thread that has code for controlling only the volume of Windows Media Player from Volume Mixer .

This is the whole script:

SetTitleMatchMode, 3
SndVolWasStarted = 0

;Turn off SndVol after 1 second 
Loop {
  Sleep, 10
  If SndVolWasStarted = 1
    GetKeyState, StateF1, F1
    GetKeyState, StateF2, F2
    If (StateF1 = "D" or StateF2 = "D")
    SndVolStartTime = %A_Now%
      Else {
        If ((A_Now - SndVolStartTime > 1) and WinExist("ahk_class #32770"))
        WinClose, ahk_class #32770
    IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32770
    SndVolWasStarted = 0

;Hotkey to decrease volume
IfWinExist, Windows Media Player 
  IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32770
    Run, "%A_WinDir%\System32\SndVol.exe" -r 88888888
    WinWait, ahk_class #32770
    SndVolWasStarted = 1
  ToolbarWindowNumber = 322
  msctls_trackbarNumber = 321
  Loop {
    ControlGetText, ControlName, ToolbarWindow%ToolbarWindowNumber%, ahk_class #32770
    If ControlName = Mute for Windows Media Player
      ControlSend, msctls_trackbar%msctls_trackbarNumber%, {Down}, ahk_class #32770 ; Use {Down 2} to change sound level faster
    } Else {
      If ToolbarWindowNumber < 328
        ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
        msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
      } Else {
        If ToolbarWindowNumber = 328
          ToolbarWindowNumber = 3210
          msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
        } Else {
          If ToolbarWindowNumber < 3242
            ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
            msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
          } Else {
            MsgBox, 16, AutoHotkey, ERROR: Application's volume control was not found!`nThis could occur if the Volume Mixer has more than 20 opened applications

;Hotkey to increase volume
IfWinExist, Windows Media Player
  IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32770
    Run, "%A_WinDir%\System32\SndVol.exe" -r 88888888
    WinWait, ahk_class #32770
    SndVolWasStarted = 1
  ToolbarWindowNumber = 322
  msctls_trackbarNumber = 321
  Loop {
    ControlGetText, ControlName, ToolbarWindow%ToolbarWindowNumber%, ahk_class #32770
    If ControlName = Mute for Windows Media Player
      ControlSend, msctls_trackbar%msctls_trackbarNumber%, {Up}, ahk_class #32770 ; Use {Up 2} to change sound level faster
    } Else {
      If ToolbarWindowNumber < 328
        ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
        msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
      } Else {
        If ToolbarWindowNumber = 328
          ToolbarWindowNumber = 3210
          msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
        } Else {
          If ToolbarWindowNumber < 3242
            ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
            msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
          } Else {
            MsgBox, 16, AutoHotkey, ERROR: Application's volume control was not found!`nThis could occur if the Volume Mixer has more than 20 opened applications

I tried it and it works with Windows Media Player but I can't make it to work on Google Chrome.

I changed some piece of code on IfWinExist, Windows Media Player and changed it to IfWinExist, Google Chrome but didn't adjust the volume of Chrome.

I'm running windows 10 64-bit

like image 282
chico Avatar asked Jul 18 '16 09:07


1 Answers

  1. Replace all IfWinExist, Windows Media Player
    with IfWinExist ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
  2. Replace all If ControlName = Mute for Windows Media Player
    with if (ControlName ~= "Mute for.*- Google Chrome")

You can use Autohotkey Window Spy utility to find the values. Rightclick any AHK icon in the taskbar tray notification area and select "Window Spy".

Or use the awesome nircmd utility:

^#Up::run nircmd changeappvolume focused +0.1
^#Down::run nircmd changeappvolume focused -0.1
^#Numpad0::run nircmd muteappvolume focused 2

Ctrl+Win+Up = volume up active app
Ctrl+Win+Down = volume down active app
Ctrl+Win+Numpad 0 = mute/unmute active app

Replace focused with app exe name to control a specific app, e.g. chrome.exe, vlc.exe

like image 159
wOxxOm Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10
