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AutoFixture.Xunit with Xunit.net 2.0 beta

I've already moved to the xunit.net 2.0 beta version, but need some feature from AutoFixture, which still depends on the current 1.9.2 stable release (CompositeDataAttribute). As far as I see AutoFixture.Xunit hasn't been upgraded yet (when?)

When I just try to install AutoFixture.Xunit with nuget it complains of the conflict with it's dependency on xunit 1.9.2 and if I ignore dependencies it compiles but tests are not being run (at least by the VS2013 and Resharper runners)

Any suggestions? thanks

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robi-y Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 04:11


1 Answers

Support for xUnit.net 2 was added to AutoFixture on April 8 2015. It was added as a new NuGet package, in order to make it optional if and when to migrate to xUnit.net 2. Thus, there are two Glue Library packages for AutoFixture and xUnit.net:

  • AutoFixture.Xunit for use with xUnit.net 1.x
  • AutoFixture.Xunit2 for use with xUnit.net 2.x
like image 112
Mark Seemann Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 17:12

Mark Seemann