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AutoFixture: PropertyData and heterogeneous parameters

Given the following test:

public void GivenValidInputShouldOutputCorrectResult(
    string patientId
    , string patientFirstName
    var fixture = new Fixture();          

    var sut = fixture.Create<HtmlOutputBuilder>();

    // More code

I want to encapsulate fixture creation in its own class, something akin to:

public void GivenValidInputShouldOutputCorrectResult(
    string patientId
    , string patientFirstName
    , HtmlOutputBuilder sut
    // More code

The problem is that I'm using PropertyData and the latter is supplying two input parameters. The fact that I'm then trying to automatically create my fixture as a parameter is causing an exception.

Here is the CustomPropertyData:

public class CustomPropertyDataAttribute : CompositeDataAttribute
    public CustomPropertyDataAttribute(string validInput)
        :base(new DataAttribute[]
                new PropertyDataAttribute(validInput),
                new AutoDataAttribute(new Fixture()
                    .Customize(new HtmlOutpuBuilderTestConvention() )), 


What are the options to resolve this?

like image 474
DavidS Avatar asked Oct 22 '22 08:10


1 Answers

You need to supply data to the PropertyDataAttribute as below:

public static IEnumerable<object[]> GetValidInputForDb 
        yield return new object[]

The patientId value will be 123, the patientFirstName value will be abc and the SUT value is going to be supplied automatically by AutoFixture.

The CustomPropertyDataAttribute looks good.

like image 55
Nikos Baxevanis Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 12:10

Nikos Baxevanis