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AutoCompleteTextView hide auto complete suggestions

i have an AutoCompleteTextView widget on the view. if it has input focus and I'm trying to change the text in there with:


I'm getting suggestions list appears on the screen. How do I hide it? is it possible to update the text not showing suggestions?

like image 505
Alex D Avatar asked Dec 02 '11 04:12

Alex D

2 Answers

I'll leave this here, in case someone needs it in the future, like I did.


will make the list with suggestions disappear from the screen.

like image 67
jRicardo Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 04:11


I suggest some methods

1)If you want to make "test" like hint of autocomplete textView then do like this,


2)If you need to fill up the text view with "test" and also need to prevent the suggestion increase the threshold level for auto complete textview ,


if you use threshold it will show suggestion after 5 character (according to the code posted in above line). If you need try to set different word and also try to avoid suggestion , change the threshold dynamically based on length of string.

like image 26
Karthi Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 04:11
